Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Neuroscience, Psychotherapy and Neuropsychotherapy
Neuroscience, Psychotherapy and Neuropsychotherapy Toni Killin Remedial procedures have been worked from several years of experience. These techniques have after some time demonstrated their adequacy for specific issues (Cozolino, 2010) (Grawe, 2007). The field of Neuroscience sees cerebrum structures and capacities; it is a huge field incorporating neurobiology, neurochemistry and territories of brain science. Neuropsychotherapy mixes the fields of neuroscience and psychotherapy together. The accentuation being put on the neuroscientific establishments of psychotherapy. Present simple neuroscientific research discoveries offer psychotherapy logical help, advancing another and new point of view for specialists. Neuropsychotherapy attempts to expel the imperceptible boundary among psyche and mind (Cozolino, 2010) (Grawe, 2007). Both the psyche and mind are similarly significant, concentrating on possibly one at the expense of the other is go about as though one is superfluous (Cozolino, 2010). My contact with customers and experts, for example, a dvisors, specialists and clinicians prompted my enthusiasm for Gestalt Therapy. In spite of the fact that my preparation in Gestalt Therapy is an energy, the excursion has been a troublesome learning experience. The experiential idea of Gestalt treatment has demonstrated hard for me to inside intellectualize. It has been this trouble drove me to readings on neuroscience, as an approach to see, all the more completely, the systems behind psychotherapy by and large, specifically experiential modalities. These modalities reflecting great accomplishments in territories that different modalities were having all the earmarks of being just somewhat effective (Cozolino, 2010)(Grawe, 2007). I consider this to be a chance to have a more profound and alternate point of view on the remedial procedure and the restorative relationship. Thus, this writing audit will be separated into three areas. The principal will give a simple diagram of what neuroscience is and the emanant discoveries inside this field of psychotherapeutic intrigue. I will at that point relate neuroscientific discoveries extensively to the field of psychotherapy. Accordingly, I will relate a portion of these discoveries to a portion of the techniques of Gestalt Therapy uniting discoveries from neuroscience in the restorative relationship with the end goal of seeing Gestalt Therapy and psychotherapy when all is said in done from new and accommodating vantage focuses. Given that neuroscience is a various field enveloping numerous callings, it is essential to make the differentiation that this paper will take a gander at neuroscientific discoveries just with regards to psychotherapy and neuropsychotherapy. There are normalized proficient contrasts not secured as a feature of this paper between clinical neuropsychologists, clinical neuropsychotherapists and psychotherapists that have great information on zones of neuroscience that are important to the methodology that they practice. Neuroscience is a mind boggling zone of study to characterize; it holds its place inside all the sciences that manage the sensory system, for example, Neurobiology, Neurochemistry, Neuropharmacology and Neuroanatomy. Neuroscience likewise draws on the information found inside a large number of the customary trains, for example, Biology, which takes a gander at the living issue in the entirety of its structures and wonders. Organic chemistry, the science of living issue. Physiology a part of science that manages capacities and exercises of living creatures. Pharmacology that digs into the planning, uses and impacts of medications and Experimental Psychology which utilizes test strategies to examine mental and enthusiastic action in creatures and people (What is Neuroscience, 2012) (,(Stonehill College, Congregation of the Holy Cross, 2014). Neuropsychotherapy (NPT) is a term used to consolidate and join neuroscientific information in an assortment of uses and medicines (, 2014). Neuropsychotherapists originate from a wide scope of clinical and restorative foundations. A neuropsychotherapist knows about the body-mind connection and utilizations their preparation and information to do remedial evaluations and medicines. Ongoing revelations show that our encounters change the state of our mind. Singular territories develop or change by including miniscule measures of the mind neural hardware and wiping out old ones(Aherne, 2012). Information, for example, this will help the development of increasingly viable treatments, more advantageous associations will assist recuperation. This sort of reasoning difficulties the illustrations of the past, outwardly seeing minds as machines. Analogies made for PCs with references to fixed hardware and designing (Doidge, 2011). Moving past the twentieth century where the mind was demonstrated as a static point of view, we presently consider the to be as unbounded in multifaceted nature. Fundamental regionalised associations are all around conveyed and coordinated all through the mind. Capacities that were believed to be just in restricted territories, presently are known to take an interest with different pieces of the brain(Fialkoff Jones, 2010) . New exploration i ncorporates investigating the connection between neurochemical transmitters and synapses, taking a gander at beforehand obscure elements of neurons and glials, the most widely recognized cells in the brain(Fialkoff Jones, 2010) . There are four rules that become clear to our comprehension of the mind communities. The mind is intricate, associated, versatile (plastic) and developed. The mind is versatile, continually revising itself. This capacity to develop and change is alluded to as pliancy. The mind not just makes new associations and creates more prominent physical space dependent on need, it additionally can eradicate old and unused associations (Doidge, 2011). The idea of a cerebrum that can re-plan its own structure and capacity through idea and action is significant. This is among the chief significant changes of the mind since our comprehension of essential life systems and the working of its most basic part, the neuron(Doidge, 2011). Like all transformations, this has sign ificant impacts. The neuroplastic unrest has numerous ramifications, all zones that exchange with human instinct, for example, our comprehension of connections, addictions, culture, learning and psychotherapies all change our mind. The humanities, social and physical sciences will all need to deal with the reality of oneself evolving cerebrum. From individual to individual the cerebrums engineering is novel and changes the course of people lives (Doidge, 2011). One of neurosciences most remarkable revelation is that reasoning, learning and acting can kill our qualities on or, hence honing our mind life systems and our conduct (Doidge, 2011). Cerebrum pliancy is an extremely broad term, applied to all ways that the mind is adaptable and can process data in various manners (Buczynski,). A rearranged case of steps in neural versatility would start with a failure in neurological working, this would prompt the establishing of an optional course. With utilize this auxiliary course finds s horter pathways and improves at utilizing these optional neural pathways. With delayed use and presentation these pathways keep on reinforcing (Doidge, 2011). In the mind, there is an ideal purpose of versatility at moderate scopes of excitement. Neural development hormones and a considerable lot of the procedures that animate pliancy turn off at low degrees of excitement, turn on at moderate levels, and mood killer again at elevated levels (Buczynski,). This is significant data when taking a gander at empowering new neural pathways. Making an involvement with treatment that outcomes in neuroplasticity are somewhat a marker of fruitful therapy(Buczynski,). Another conspicuous disclosure in neuroscience that is as yet getting consideration is that of mirror neurons.Mirror neurons are â€Å"smart cells†(reference) setting down inward portrayals inside our mind and potentially our bodies. Mirror neurons license us to fathom the activities, expectations and sentiments of others. These neurons, held in numerous pieces of our cerebrums, fire not just when we play out an activity, for example, clasping hands, yet in addition when see others perform activities. Mirror neurons are not constrained distinctly to activity, they are likewise animated when we experience a feeling and when we outwardly see others encountering a feeling, for example, joy, distress or distress(Lacoboni, 2008). Inside the neuroscientific network reflect neuron research in people has been questioning, nobody bit of proof being completely acknowledged as verification that reflect neurons exist inside people. This anyway doesn't bring down the plenty of proof supporting mirror neurons in people (Keysers Gazzola, 2010) given mechanical reasons have upset the finding of individual mirror neurons (Vivona, 2009) supporting proof has originated from the electroencephalogram (EEG) accounts, conduct tests and transcranial attractive incitement (TMS) contemplates (Keysers Gazzola, 2010). In short e xploration has demonstrated that reflect neurons exist some place in the human mind and are not confined to premotor and substandard parietal cortex. Examination has additionally indicated that specific neurons seem to have ‘anti-reflect properties. At the point when these neurons work in blend with reflect neurons they could enable the mind to perform interior recreations of different people groups activities, at the same time specifically blocking unequivocal engine yield and expel ambiguities from who played out the activity (Gallese, 2008) (Keysers Gazzola, 2010). Suggestions in psychotherapy Neuroplasticity doesn't generally embrace inspiring news; our minds might be increasingly ingenious, but at the same time are progressively vulnerable to outside effects . Neuroplasticity can create greater adaptability, yet additionally progressively unbending practices, this is known as the â€Å"plastic paradox†(Doidge, 2011, p. 6), a portion of our most steady propensities and scatters are results of pliancy. When a specific plastic change happens and turns out to be entrenched, it can keep different changes from happening. Considering both the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Significance of the Berlin Conference free essay sample
The Berlin Conference went on for a quarter of a year, finishing February 26, 1885. Otherwise called the Congo Conference and the Berlin West Africa Conference, the Berlin Conference was made to arrange questions and end disarray over the control of Africa. It was intended to concur that the Congo River and Niger River mouths and bowls would be viewed as nonpartisan and open exchange. They would likewise put together it with respect to Social Darwinism, which was utilized to legitimize their bigotry and to dishearten mediation and change. This is fundamentally expressing that they accepted the white expert was better than the dark race and should control the greater part of Africa. Why Africa?The development of region is one explanation, however the fundamental explanation was Africans huge costly assets. In 1 867 precious stones were found and later in 1 886 gold would be another valued disclosure alongside copper, elastic, and coco beans. To acquire these assets they would require modest work, which Africa would likewise give. We will compose a custom article test on Criticalness of the Berlin Conference or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The turn of the Industrial Revolution made the interest for these items increment gigantically, bringing about more work and more attacks into Africa by the Europeans. Despite the fact that Africa is covered in a remote spot contrasted with the remainder of the nations, it is totally encircled by water making it effectively accessible.At the time, of Africa stayed under nearby control. Just the beach front zones of Africa were colonized by Europe. The Berlin Conference changed the entirety of this, starting the scramble by different nations to deal with the inside regions of Africa so as to guarantee these significant assets. Ignoring social and lingual limits that were at that point set up by local people, the Berlin Conference split Africa into fifty nations, some of the time parting quiet gatherings of individuals and consolidating foes. The Berlin Conference had a lot of rules for the deliberate expansion of European influence.First, they concurred there would be opportunity of exchange and arrangement in the Congo Basin, despite the fact that piece of it would in the end be under the fierce principle of Belgium King Leopold II. Second, they concurred that any force that involved a region or set up a province would tell each other nation promptly, and were answerable for setting up political dependability. Also, third they consented to end the slave exchange. The domains were not intended to seen/e as a market r methods for travel for the exchange of slaves, of whatever race they may be.Many nations would later dismissal this standard. The effect of the Berlin Conference was that pressure and rivalry between European nations chilled off a piece, there was less drive and hustle to enter Africa to remove its assets. Africa got commanded by Europe. They lost their privileges and the capacity to lead their own kin, and the effects of colonialism are as yet being felt today. Expenses would be forced on Africans, something they had never observed. This gave them the commitment to work to make good on their assessments, something that had never needed to do. Prejudice would become even worse.The Europeans would need to work nearer with the Africans since they were colonizing them. The African culture changed definitely, from strategically, the loss of customary qualities, the changing of language to the new European force, and even down to their regular conventions and diet. Objectives of the Berlin Conference were to control the slave exchange, advance philanthropic optimism and accommodate the government assistance of Africa, however in truth these were all unfilled guarantees. Despite the fact that Europeans improved social insurance and instruction, they despite everything carried many negative viewpoints to the way f life of local people.
Segmenting the British Sports market Essay Example for Free
Fragmenting the British Sports showcase Essay Presentation Sport England is the administration organization liable for building the establishments of donning achievement, by making a world-driving network sport condition of clubs, mentors, offices and volunteers. They need to make an energetic brandishing society working in association with national administering bodies, national accomplices, the HE/FE division, nearby government, province sport organizations and network associations. Their center is around three results developing and supporting the quantities of individuals participating in sport and improving ability improvement to assist more with peopling exceed expectations. Five targets which will see us convey these results: 1. Develop  More individuals participating in more game  More youngsters and youngsters partaking in five hours of PE and game seven days These objectives represent 15% of the speculation. 2. Continue  More individuals happy with their brandishing experience  25% less 16-multi year olds dropping out of in any event nine games badminton. b-ball, football, hockey, acrobatic, netball, rugby alliance, rugby association tennis These objectives represent 60% of the speculation. 3. Exceed expectations  Improved ability advancement in any event 25 games This objective records for 25% of the speculation. 4. What accomplishes our work include? We contribute aptitude, assets and both government and Lottery cash into network sport. ?480 million is contributed legitimately through 46 national administering groups of game. Also, there are five open subsidizing streams different associations can apply to. We have a legal job in ensuring playing fields and should be counseled if network playing fields are compromised by potential turns of events. We give an abundance of aptitude and exhortation on scope of sports subjects including arranging, offices, training, and chipping in and sports improvement. What's more, we go about as supporters for network sport uniting a wide scope of accomplices from nearby and national government, the business area, higher and further training and the third division to take advantage of their interest in sport. 5. Who accomplish we work with? To succeed, we need to work intimately with a wide scope of associations, including:  Our donning scene accomplices Youth Sport Trust and UK Sport  National overseeing assortments of game  National accomplices  Local specialists  County sports organizations  Higher and further training  The third segment  The business part. London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Delivery Authority. Questions 1. Utilizing the full range of division factors, portray how Sport England has sectioned the games advertise? So as to comprehend the British people’s perspectives and inspirations about games, Sport England has created 19 wearing sections all around the United Kingdom to focus on its clients in the games advertise. In the division procedure Sport England worked intimately with Experian Business Strategies counseling gathering and examined information of the English individuals matured 18 and more seasoned. Every one of the 19 fragment profiles contains data about how energetic they are, the exercises they appreciate, potential boundaries and inspirations and direction in how to adequately advertise game to each profile. The division depended on Demographic and Geographic factors. This division procedure permitted them to comprehend the top games that individuals need to include themselves in and helped them to distinguish the attributes of their objective gatherings for undertakings and activities. A case of their effective market division arrangement is South Gloucestershire Leisure’s reviving of a renovated relaxation community in the year 2007. With the assistance of their market division information and information on the most proficient method to market to its clients by recognizing which exercises individuals are increasingly intrigued by. 1. Game England made a section profile which recognized the biggest fragments inside a 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-and 10-mile straight line cushion of the recreation community. 2. The biggest fragments were then mapped to show the geographic area of these portions which permitted them to confine the market and spotlight on explicit things like data on ways of life of clients in the Gloucestershire district, the best possible network needs of the locale. 3. They recognized the prevailing fragment in each postal code and appropriately delivered advertising material focusing at those portions. 4. They recognized the regions where the number of inhabitants in kids were more and focused on it with the correct advertising procedures. Fragment Name| | Forename| Population| Male| Female| In Million| Competitive Male Urbanites| A01| Ben| 6. 4| 13. 3| 0| 2,521| Sports Team Drinkers| A02| Jamie| 5. 4| 11. 1| 0| 2,127| Fitness Class Friends| A03| Chloe| 6. 9| 0| 13. 4| 2,717| Supportive Singles| A04| Leanne| 4. 7| 0| 9. 1| 1,851| Career Focused Females| B05| Helena| 5| 0| 9. 7| 1,969| Settling Down Males| B06| Tim| 9. 4| 19. 3| 0| 3,702| Stay at Home Mums| B07| Alison| 4. 6| 0| 8. 9| 1,812| Middle England Mums| B08| Jackie| 4| 0| 7. 7| 1,575| Pub League Team Mates| B09| Key| 5. 8| 12| 0| 2,284| Extended Single Mums| B10| Paula| 3. 8| 0| 7. 4| 1,497| Comfortable Mid-Life Males| C11| Philip| 7. 8| 16| 0| 3,072| Empty Nest Career Ladies| C12| Elaine| 5. 3| 0| 10. 2| 2,087| Early Retirement Couples| C13| Roger Joy| 6. 2| 6. 2| 6. 3| 2,442| Older Working Women| C14| Brenda| 4| 0| 7. 6| 1,575| Local ‘Old Boys’| C15| Terry| 3. 4| 7| 0| 1,339| Later Life Ladies| C16| Norma| 2| 0| 3. 6| 788| Comfortable Retired Couples| D17| Ralph Phyllis| 3. 7| 5| 2. 4| 1,457| Twilight Year Gents| D18| Frank| 3. 5| 7. 1| 0| 1,378| Retirement Home Singles| D19| Elise Arnold| 8. 3| 2. 5| 13. 8| 3,269| A 18 multi year olds B 25 45 years C 46 65 years D 65 + 1. 2. Pick a fragment and portray a crusade that could be utilized to support individuals in that section to take an interest in one of the named sports identified with their section. I picked Segment 5 Helena â€Å"career centered females†. Attributes:  Mainly matured 26-45  Single  Full time proficient  Enjoy exciting and fun living As there are all vocation centered ladies in this portion, they are occupied with their office work during the week and have a bustling timetable. The working ladies additionally experience the ill effects of physical and mental weakness. . Helena likes to keep fit as a fiddle. Following a long working day ladies in this portion may choose to get a class or a long exercise on the machines In this fragment the members in the cycling sport (11%) are less contrasted with swimming (22%) and stay in shape rec center (26%). Game England could energize more members in the Cycling sport by sorting out cycling rallies and occasions on the ends of the week. This could likewise assist in giving a social message to the network with respect to wellbeing and condition. 3. Portray the job that Sport England plays in focusing on a section. South Gloucestershire Leisure focus is a case of the pretended by Sport England. The organization is empowering an ever increasing number of individuals to take part in sports. Their web instrument techniques and utilizing the media and correspondence stages is being one of the best approaches to focus on a fragment. Game England additionally helps out its objective division through different mediums like Internet, cell phones, papers and magazines. These mediums are utilized by huge crowd and in this manner the item data contacts them without any problem. 4. Pick a game not recorded and select proper sections that may take an interest in it. Clarify why the game may speak to individuals in these sections.  Sport: Yoga  Segments:  Helena-Career Focused Females  Jackie-Middle England Mums  Paula-Stretched Single Mums  Brenda-Older Working Women It has been demonstrated over the ongoing years that Yoga is one of the best exercise sports and aides in staying in shape and loosening up the brain. As Yoga is for the most part a female situated game, it could be utilized to focus on the women in the above portions. There can be day by day or end of the week yoga meetings organized the fragments as indicated by their accessibility. With respect to the vocation centered women this would be the best type of activity as it would loosen up them both intellectually and truly. It is one sort of activity which would engage all the age gatherings of ladies and propel them to take an interest in it. 5. Quickly diagram a showcasing effort for your picked sport. 1. We will begin a showcasing effort that centers around the advantages of Yoga:  Yoga can help fix a sleeping disorder, as its ordinary yoga practice prompts better and more profound rest. Yoga can assist battle with fatigueing and keep up your vitality for the duration of the day.  A customary yoga practice helps support cancer prevention agents all through your body, bringing about a more grounded invulnerable framework and improved capacity to recuperate rapidly from illness or injury.  Yoga can assist you with shedding pounds and keep up a solid load for an incredible duration. Force yoga is a brilliant type of cardio molding, which reinforces center muscles while it keeps blood and oxygen coursing all through your body. 2. We will utilize the suitable promoting devices to arrive at our objective clients and convey the essential message.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Usage of space in shell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Use of room in shell - Essay Example ssay targets looking at how the Shell Oil Company has used its operational space, especially office space, to build tasks and benefits accordingly, in the United States. The Shell Oil Company is an auxiliary business of the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, situated in the United States. In 2011, the Shell Oil Company rented a sum of about 1.3 million feet squared of office space at the One Shell Plaza and the Two Shell Plaza in Houston (Hines, 2011). In the One Shell Plaza; Shell Oil Company involves the biggest level of office space. For example, on the main floor, the Shell oil organization has a little exhibition hall which delineates the company’s history. The entire of Shell’s head office is situated at the One Shell Plaza, while a large portion of different floors fill in as corporate workplaces for the organization. The Two Shell Plaza, then again, plays the reason for a parking area just as other Shell Oil Company workplaces. From 2011, the rent is set to lapse following 15 years, accordingly making the Shell Oil Company an inhabitant at the Hines-claimed property for more than 55 years. As per Hines (2011), Shell reestablished the rent as per the last company’s plan of combining more office space at Houston downtown. As indicated by Cook (2012), the rent was the biggest office space contract on the planet that year. The securing of this office space is a noteworthy jump from the 650, 000 square feet that the Royal Dutch Shell began with in 1970 (Cook, 2012). After some time, Shell has made dynamic strides towards guaranteeing that there is sufficient working space for the a large number of individuals working in the organization. During the 1990s, for instance, Shell made significant redesigns to the Shell Plaza structures planned for facilitating tasks and amplifying the yield of the workforce (Cook, 2012). For example, current lifts were introduced, electrical and mechanical overhauls were done, and building halls were updated, notwithstanding different changes. In 2011, after Shell marked
Analytical Essay Kiss and Tell by John Sam Jones Essays
Logical Essay Kiss and Tell by John Sam Jones Essays Logical Essay Kiss and Tell by John Sam Jones Essay Logical Essay Kiss and Tell by John Sam Jones Essay Exposition Topic: Diagnostic â€Å"Kiss and tell†is a story composed by creator John Sam Jones. The story is set in Wales on a school. The story rotates around a kid and his musings about the contrary sexual orientation. The story is the omniscient kind of storyteller. This investigation centers around portrayal just as on the best way to fit in. The fundamental character in the story is Seimon. He is a fourteen-year-old kid from Wales. All through the entire story, the emphasis is on Seimon and his dependence on his instructor Mr. Roberts. As from the earliest starting point of the story, the storyteller tells about the young ladies and young men in Seimon’s class. A portion of the young ladies in Seimon’s class appeared to be a lot more established †and a piece scary1. Someone acted like they had as of now grown out of their companions †Jane Jones who had got bosoms that where the Promised Land of boy’s messy talk, quite often had love chomps on her neck, and Shan Jenkins gloated about setting off to the club Llandudno at the ends of the week with her sweetheart, who was an administration learner with one of the new, modest German supermarkets.2 It appeared as though all Seimon’s cohorts had grown up both truly and intellectually. Seimon felt that pubescence had not contacted him yet. S ome of the time he envisioned himself littler than-little so the others would not see him.3When the young men he spent time with, appeared not to need to see him, he considered on the off chance that he was irrelevant. He loathed that word since it made him consider being forlorn and confined. Siemon is a delicate individual who is anything but difficult to influence. Seimon felt like he didn't fit in anyplace, so he began wandering off in fantasy land about his educator Mr. Roberts, his preferred educator that he trusted would peruse the class †one of the sonnets they were concentrating in a writing venture, or maybe he would clarify something about the fancies of Welsh grammar.4 Mr. Roberts was from Cardiff and landed the position in Wales. He realized that he had landed the position on account of his qualities in German and French, however the issue was that he
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
A Report on a Non Bank Financial Institution - Free Essay Example
Non Bank Financial Institution Definition: A non-bank financial institution (NBFI) is a financial institution that does not have a complete banking license and is not administered by a national or international banking regulatory agency. NBFIs make easy bank-related financial services, such as investment, contractual savings, risk pooling market brokering. Examples: Examples consist of insurance firms, check cashing locations, pawn shops, currency exchange, cashiers check issuers, payday lending, microloan organizations. Alan Greenspan has identified the role of NBFIs in intensification an economy, as they facilitate à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“multiple alternatives to transform an economys savings into capital investment act as backup facilities should the primary form of intermediation failà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Types: Commercial Banks. Investment Banks. Insurance Companies. Brokerages. Investment Companies. Commercial Banks: Commercial banks accept deposits offer security and convenience to the customers. The original purpose of banks is to provide clients secure keeping for their money. Through banks customers does not longer need to keep huge amounts of currency in their hand, transactions can be handled with checks, debit cards credit cards as an alternative. Commercial banks also provide loans to the individuals and businesses use to buy goods or expand business operations which in turn direct to more deposited funds that make their way to banks. Investment Bank: Investment banks may be called banks, their operations are far dissimilar than deposit gathering commercial banks. An investment bank is a financial intermediary which executes a range of services for businesses and some governments. The services contains underwriting debt and equity offerings, acting as an intermediary among an issuer of securities and the investing public, making markets, providing mergers and different corporate reorganizations, and acting as a broker for institutional customers. In general investment banks are subject to less regulation than commercial banks. Although investment banks work below the direction of regulatory bodies likes the Securities and Exchange Commission, FINRA, and the U.S. Treasury. Insurance Companies: Insurance companies pool risk by collecting imbursement from a big group of people who want to defend themselves their loved ones against a particular loss, for instance a fire, car accident, illness, lawsuit, disability or death. Insurance assist individuals and companies supervise risk and preserve wealth. Through insuring a large amount of people, insurance companies can function profitably and simultaneously pay for claims that may arise. Insurance companies make use of statistical analysis to plan what their actual losses will be within a given class. They know that not all of the insured individuals will endure losses all at once. Brokerages: Brokerages operate as an intermediary among buyers and sellers to provide securities transactions. Brokerage companies are remunerated via commission after the transaction has been successfully completed. For instance, when a trade order for a stock is carried out, an individual often pays a transaction fee for the brokerage companys efforts to execute the trade. A brokerage can be either full service or discount. A full service brokerage provides investment advice, portfolio management and trade execution. In exchange for this high level of service, customers pay significant commissions on each trade. Discount brokers allow investors to perform their own investment research and make their own decisions. Investment Companies: An investment company is a corporation or a trust through which individuals invest in diversified, professionally managed portfolios of securities by pooling their funds with those of other investors. Types: Unit investment trusts (UITs). Face amount certificate companies. Managed investment companies. Role of Financial Institutions: NBFIs supplement banks by facilitating the infrastructure to allot surplus resources to individuals and companies through deficits. NBFIs also introduce competition in terms of financial services. Whereas banks may present a set of financial services as a packaged deal, NBFIs unbundle and modify these services to meet the requirements of particular clients. Growth A few researches recommend elevated correlation b/w a financial development and economic growth. Usually, a market-based financial system has improved developed NBFIs than a bank based structure which is encouraging for economic growth. Stability A multi-faceted financial system that comprises of non-bank financial institutions can protect economies from financial shocks and allow speedy recovery when these shocks occur. Other Types: Risk-Pooling Institutions: Insurance companies endorse economic risks linked with illness, death, damage and other risks of loss. In return to collecting an insurance premium, insurance companies offer a dependent promise of economic protection in the case of loss. There are two major types of insurance companies: General insurance Life insurance. General insurance be likely to be short-term, whereas life insurance is a longer-term contract, which cease at the death of the insured. Both kinds of insurance life and general are accessible to all sectors of the district. Contractual Savings Institutions: Contractual savings institutions provide individuals the chance to invest in collective investment vehicles (CIV) as a fiduciary rather than a principal role. Collective investment vehicles pool means from individuals and firms into diverse financial instruments together with equity, debt, and derivatives. The two main types Open-end Closed-end funds. Open-end funds produce original investments by allowing the public to buy new shares at any time and shareholders can liquidate their holding by selling the shares back to the open-end fund at the net asset value. Closed-end funds release a predetermined number of shares in an IPO. In this instance the shareholders capitalize on the value of their assets by selling their shares in a stock exchange. Market Makers: Market makers are broker dealer institutions that quote a buy and sell price and provide transactions for financial assets. Such assets contain equities, government and corporate debt, derivatives, and foreign currencies. As soon as receiving an order the market maker without delay sells from its inventory or makes a purchase to offset the loss in inventory. The degree of difference between the buying and selling quotes, or the bid-offer spread is how the market maker creates profit. A main contribution of the market makers is getting better the liquidity of financial assets in the market. Specialized Sectorial Financiers: They offer a restricted range of financial services to a targeted sector. For instance, real estate financiers channel capital to prospective homeowners, leasing companies offer financing for equipment and payday lending companies that offer short term loans to individuals that are under banked or have limited resources. Financial Service Providers: Financial service contributor includes brokerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s securities and mortgage, management consultants, and financial advisors, and they function on a fee for service basis. Their services contain enhancing informational efficiency for the investors in the case of brokers, providing a transactions service by which an investor can liquidate existing assets. Purpose and Scope: The purpose is to provide the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) with factual profiles of five sectors of non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), based upon their size, services, geographic and transaction attributes. FinCEN has regulatory responsibilities for a wide variety of financial institutions, and needs current and detailed information on those financial institution industry elements subject to its regulatory authority. Senior policy makers need to make regulatory decisions based on the best available information, so as to ensure that their public responsibilities are dis charged fairly and effectively. In the near future, FinCEN will be proposing significant changes to its regulatory requirements relating to certain non-bank financial institutions (identified below) and will need basic information concerning the size, extent, revenue derived and nature of the businesses that offer these financial services to the public. In order to provide reliable information, we: conducted an intensive discovery process identifying and cataloging conventional and unconventional sources of data, through similarly conventional and unconventional means; investigated these sources to the extent possible in connection with the scope of the study; utilized internal resources and networks of professionals to obtain key information; Opened channels of communication with major industry participants and state regulators; and Utilized innovative quality analysis techniques to identify and highlight meaningful indicators and trends. The five NBFI sectors covered by the study are: Money Transmission Travelers Check Money Order Retail Foreign Currency Exchange Check Cashing. List of Non-Bank Financial Institution in Pakistan: A. Development Finance Institution: Equity Participation Fund. Investment Corporation of Pakistan. National Investment Trust Ltd. Pakistan Kuwait Investment Company (Pvt) Ltd. Pakistan Oman Investment Co.Pvt.Ltd Saudi Pak Industrial and Agricultural Investment C. (Pvt) Ltd. B. Leasing Companies: Asian Leasing Corporation Ltd. Askari Leasing Company Ltd. Dawood Leasing Company Ltd. Saudi Pak Leasing Company Ltd. Pak-Apex Leasing Company Ltd. Lease Pak Ltd. Pakistan Industrial Commercial Leasing Ltd. Universal Leasing Corporation Ltd. Trust Leasing Corporation Ltd. C. Investment Banks: Asset Investment Bank Ltd. Crescent Investment Bank Ltd Islamic Investment Bank Ltd. First International Investment Bank Ltd. Jahangir Siddiqui Investment Bank Ltd. Security Investment Bank Ltd. Trust Investment Bank Ltd. D. Modaraba Companies: Al-Zamin Leasing Modaraba Financial Link Modaraba First General Leasing Modaraba First Islamic Modaraba First Pak Modaraba First Punjab Modaraba Industrial Capital Modaraba Guardian Leasing Modaraba Long Term Venture Capital Modaraba E. Discount Guarantee Houses: First Credit Discount Corporation (Pvt) Ltd. First Prudential Discount Guarantee House Ltd. National Discounting Services Ltd. F. House Finance Companies: Citibank Housing Finance Company Ltd. House Building Finance Corporation International Housing Finance Ltd. G. Venture capital Company: Pakistan Venture Capital Ltd. Page | 1
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How to Write a Term Paper - Tips to Writing a Top-Notch One
How to Write a Term Paper - Tips to Writing a Top-Notch OneWritten term papers are essential for almost all students, but they can sometimes seem like a Herculean task. These papers require research, critical thinking, and a certain amount of common sense. But, if you know the right tools, then your writing project will be much easier to complete.The first step in writing a term paper is to organize your research. Any well-written term paper will include at least one chapter in which to describe the research that you have done. This chapter should explain what you have researched, who you are studying with, and what your plan is for writing your paper. It should also tell you how much time you have available for writing, and what it will cost you to publish your research. You can either go online and look up the information or you can find out from your professor.Next, you need to take the information that you gathered about your thesis topic and turn it into a written term paper. Wr iting a term paper is no easy task and requires some planning. It is wise to sit down and write out exactly what your idea is, who you are studying with, and what you plan to write. This is the first step to becoming a good writer.The next step to writing a term paper is to start writing. Do not jump straight into an outline. When you have finished writing, go back and make sure that your work is well organized. Check your spelling and grammar, and see if there are any points that you can improve on. Go through your notes, and look for any points that could make your paper better.Once you have your outline completed, you are ready to begin writing. Again, do not rush your writing. You want to be able to give each chapter a good once over. No matter how good your writing is, it may not reach your professor's standards and may need revision. Just be patient, and you will find that your final draft will be well polished.Once you have completed your final draft, go back and edit. See wh at is working, and what is not. There may be a typo or two, or perhaps the proper place to include an appendix, or some other point that needs correction. However, if you check with your professor, he or she may be able to help you find your way around.Writing a term paper can be hard work, but if you know what you are doing, it will not be nearly as difficult as it seems. Don't just grab the first idea that comes to mind, rather look at the whole of your project before you actually do the writing. Make sure that all your ideas fit together, and make sense. Take the time to organize your ideas, and you will never write a term paper incorrectly.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Examples Of Honor And Glory In The Epic Of Beowulf
I am happy to present to you as gifts. It is still upon your grace that all favor depends. Beowulf gives his treasures to his king (Beowulf, 87). Honor and glory are two key elements that many righteous knights share, and Beowulf is the most righteous of them all. These characteristics are what drives Beowulf and the plot is this epic. In ancient times there was a hierarchy and as a knight, everything was done to serve the lord of the realm. To be a knight is to have honor and uphold oneself in a manner thats respectable. A knight is a representative of his kingdom and his lord, and he must conduct himself in a manner that is pleasing to his king. A knight must also seek out glory for his kingdom. So to obtain riches, land, or conquer†¦show more content†¦According to Richard Schrader, â€Å"God sent the young man[Beowulf] to prevent a recurrence and gave him glory which spread widely.†(Schrader, 493). Everything that a knight does is for the glory of his land, peopl e and most of all for God. English Literature tries to convey that if a person acts within their duties and perform righteous acts, then he will be blessed. And even as Beowulf becomes a king, these attributes are not lost to him. He displays honor and valor as the lord of his own realm. His subjects follow him because of this and honors his image (Beowulf, 101). And as a hero, these qualities must follow him always. It is evident that the Christian religion heavily influenced in the creation of Beowulf. All success is because of God, and it meant to be that way (Schrader, 24). All virtuous men of honor praised god for their efforts, and they glorified his name. As you can see, these elements show up repeatedly and indirectly throughout the story. Although being constantly virtuous and brave isn’t something the average person can accomplish. This is why Beowulf was constructed the way he was, to set him apart from your average man. Readers recognize this from his honor and g lorious acts and he is seen as a hero. For example when Beowulf went to kill Grendel’s mother, he brought back her head as a badge of honor. Although it was probably extremely gross and bloody, her head symbolized hisShow MoreRelatedBeowulf : An Epic Hero894 Words  | 4 Pages The character of Beowulf demonstrates several characteristics that make a great epic hero. Throughout his lifetime he displayed several characteristics such as honor, bravery, physical superiority, leadership, and glory. These characteristics all formed how the Anglo-Saxons believed one should live their life. Along with the valorous deeds that Beowulf accomplished he is considered to be a prime example of an epic hero. Beowulf would have even been considered a model human to the Anglo-SaxonsRead MoreBeowulf: Themes1038 Words  | 5 PagesBeowulf: Themes The Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf is the most important work of Old English literature, and is well deserved of the distinction. The epic tells the story of a hero, a Scandinavian prince named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of the monster Grendel, a descendent of Cain, and of his exploits fighting Grendel s mother and a Dragon. Throughout the epic, the Anglo-Saxon story teller uses many elements to build a certain depth to the characters. Just a few of the important character elementsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Anglo Saxon Code And Beowulf s Motivations1282 Words  | 6 PagesBeowulf, the Anglo Saxon Epitome: An analysis of the Anglo Saxon code and Beowulf’s Motivations The story of Beowulf is an outstanding example of the Anglo Saxon code. But what is the Anglo Saxon code? What is a code? A code is something to live by, often an unwritten pledge and standard to live by as one resides or partakes in a team with unity. Code is defined simply as â€Å"program instructions.†For instance, if one participates in a school sport activity, such as cross country, there is an unwrittenRead MoreComparing Beowulf, The Anglo Saxon And Beowulf s Motivations1282 Words  | 6 Pages Beowulf, the Anglo Saxon Epitome: An analysis of the Anglo Saxon code and Beowulf’s Motivations The story of Beowulf is an outstanding example of the Anglo Saxon code. But what is the Anglo Saxon code? What is a code? A code is something to live by, often an unwritten pledge and standard to live by as one resides or partakes in a team with unity. Code is defined simply as â€Å"program instructions.†For instance, if one participates in a school sport activity, such as cross country, there isRead MoreTheme Of Heroism In Beowulf748 Words  | 3 Pagesshallowness, and the pursuit of riches is often prefigured as an inclination towards greediness. However, in Beowulf, the collective reverence for wealth plays a defining role in the acts of heroism and manifestation of power. In fact, the poem oftentimes professes the idea of wealth and glory, most cherished, as an embodiment of strength and obedience among cultural values. Throughout the poem, Beowulf, is characterized by his acts of heroism in the Anglo-Saxon society. He not only possesses the valuesRead MoreThe Epic Of Beowulf By William Shakespeare939 Words  | 4 PagesThese epics would be passed from one another through verbal communication and were based around different aspects of life for a someone of Anglo-Saxon descent. The story Beowulf is a perfect example of how Anglo-Saxons based their stories around their beliefs on how a hero should behave. Around the time the story was first told, people were often terrified of the horrible things in the world. The character Beowulf was built around how a hero would be represented in these times by having honor in battleRead MoreBeowulf : The Perfect Hero1279 Words  | 6 PagesHuy Nguyen Ms. Zeltner Modern Lit 10/11/2017 Beowulf argumentative essay Beowulf is more than just a story, it’s a cornerstone of modern literature as its dynamic structure and theme display great originality and uniqueness. Given its history, the story plot is certainly original as it was constructed over 1300 years ago. Beowulf is an epic poem in which the plot is intended to portray the unique heroism of German warriors. Beowulf exemplifies the traits of the perfect hero. The poem exploresRead MoreEssay on Beowulf study guide1576 Words  | 7 Pagesthat Beowulf has come to his kingdom. A. The king is sad and depressed that his kingdom has fallen into such a state of disrepair. He is overjoyed to learn that Beowulf, whom he knows from stories and his father, Ecgtheow, has come to fight Grendel. Hrothgar promises Beowulf treasure if he can defeat the monster. 2) In the beginning of â€Å"Beowulf,†King Hrothgar’s hall has been deserted for twelve years. In a short essay, tell why the hall has been deserted. Be sure to include specific examples fromRead MoreBeowulf : Characteristics Of An Epic Hero978 Words  | 4 PagesAhissa Rice Mrs. Scheel 2Y English 12 20/11/17 Beowulf: Characteristics of an Epic Hero In Anglo-Saxon literature and culture, to be considered a hero was to also be considered a warrior/ soldier. To be a hero, you had to not only be strong but you also had to be smart, and have plenty of courage. These warriors were willing to face any type of trials and tribulations at any odd. These types of heroic warriors would fight to the death to obtain glory and save their people. The Anglo-Saxon hero neededRead MoreCharismatic Leadership In Beowulf1121 Words  | 5 PagesThe old English epic poem Beowulf contains numerous timely and perhaps timeless lessons about leadership and motivation, trust and respect, loyalty and sacrifice that could inform modern assessments of leadership. The core messages of Beowulf show courage in adversity, be trustworthy and keep your word, display generosity to your supporters aspire to greatness, achieve wealth and honor, and teach by positive example-could fit very well in most management and organizational behavior courses in US
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Steve Jobs Essay - 862 Words
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in Los Altos, California. He is Co-founder, Chairman, and former CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak high school friends and both college dropouts joined together to start Apple Computer in 1976. They are credited for inventing the first computer for home use. They made it possible for people to have a computer anywhere in their home, or on an office desk, where previously a single computer took up a whole room. There creation changed the world. However Steve Jobs didn’t change what was in the products but how they looked, functioned, and what they meant. In 1776 the Apple I was finished being created. Jobs and Wozniak had spent six months creating the prototype of the Apple I in a†¦show more content†¦He didn’t only pay attention to what was in his products but what they looked like and what they meant to his buyers. That is how he changed the world, not with what his products have in them, all of the components of his products are the same as any other out there, but with how they look and what they make easier in our lives. No one goes out and says oh I’m going to buy a MP3 player that’s only 29.00$, they’re going to want to buy Apples iPod even if they have the same software. When you buy an apple product you’re not just buying the actual product your buying what the product represents. Job’s ability to take what he wants in a phone, portable music device, and computer and make it real and wanted by the masses is a gift. In conclusion, Steve Jobs changed the world not only with the invention of the Apple II in 76’which was in collaboration with Steve Wozniak, but with how he thinks. When Job’s thinks of the next big thing in technology he thinks about what he would want. He makes products that make life easier, they look good and they represent anShow MoreRelatedSteve Jobs Essay1275 Words  | 6 Pagesthe world, are the ones who do (Moncur 1).†This statement by Steve Jobs is what I believe drove him to his success. Jobs had a very successful life and impacted many people around the globe. He led the way of how computers are used and accessed today. To fully understand and appreciate Steve Job’s work, a person has to first understand his background, how he developed his projects, and the lasting impact it had on the world. Steve Jobs wasn’t always a computer whiz; he developed it over the courseRead MoreSteve Jobs Essay1017 Words  | 5 PagesSteve Jobs was born on February 25, 1955. He was soon adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View, CA. Steve wasnt happy at school in Mountain View so the family moved to Palo Alto, CA. Steve attended Homestead High School. His electronics teacher recalled that he was something of a loner and always had a different way of looking at things. [] After school, Steve attended lectures at Hewlett Packard Electronics firm in Palo Alto, CA. There he was hiredRead MoreSynthesis Essay - Steve Jobs1955 Words  | 8 PagesSynthesis Essay – Steve Jobs MSgt Paul A. Barentine Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy Steve Jobs Can you imagine a world without Buzz Lightyear, Nemo, or Lightning McQueen? They may never have come to life without Steve Jobs. His vision led to the creation of the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. Could you imagine the same man who was so visionary was also unethical? He was a man who belittled his employees. He treated them with disrespect and had little tolerance for intellectualRead MoreSteve Jobs Essay2155 Words  | 9 PagesPaul Jobs was raised in Germantown, Wisconsin and became a Coast Guard in World War II. He made a bet with his friends that he would be able to find a wife within two weeks. He met Clara Hagopian, who was born in New Jersey after her parents fled the Turks in Armenia, and the couple was engaged within ten days. Clara realized that she could not have children, so the married couple looked at adoption (Issacson 28-29). Joanna Schieble was a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin. She livedRead MoreLeadership Steve Jobs Essay1004 Words  | 5 Pa ges Steve Jobs Outline Michael Spellberg Critical Thinking amp; Problem-Solving August 10, 2014 Professor Ketsia Mcclease DeVry University Steve Jobs Outline I.Introduction  The greatest visionary and leader the late Steve Jobs, he revolutionized the world with his innovations and leadership, he was the leader who brought PC to the mass business sector, then happened to make music players and cell telephones that consumer cherished. His small telephones were packed with so much processingRead MoreSteve Jobs Informative Essays1022 Words  | 5 PagesOutline for Informative Speech Topic: Steve Jobs General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the life of Steve Jobs Thesis: Technology would never be the same ever since the arrival of the great Steve Jobs. * Introduction Attention Getter: In 1984 the first cd play or â€Å"Walk-man†was released. The first laptop came out in 1982 and cost a mere $8,150 which comes out to $19,630 today. In 2001 the first smartphone was released. All of these devices since have beenRead MoreThe Life and Legacy of Steve Jobs Essay2786 Words  | 12 PagesTABLE OF CONTENT Why Steve Jobs? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Leadership period (1996-2011) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Personality traits-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Leadership style-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 ManagementRead MoreSteve Jobs: The Success Story Essay875 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen †¦ very fortunate; it’s been able to introduce a few of these into the world. â€Å" (â€Å"Steve Jobs introducing the iPhone†) What continued was a loud cheering and clapping by the attendant of the Apple 2007 keynote, one of the most important events held by Apple, the world’s current most valuable company (â€Å"The Worlds Most Valuable Brands†) where Apple introduced the first iPhone. The voice of the man was Steve Job, the former CEO Apple. Born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California, he wasRead MoreSteve Jobs: Innovative Genius Essay1218 Words  | 5 PagesSteve Jobs was an innovative mastermind with visions that helped change the world. He co-founded Apple inc. which is a well-known billion dollar company, and also invented products so popular, almost anyone you ask owns a product of his. In order to understand why Steve Jobs is an american cultural icon, one needs to have a description of his background and a critical analysis of his moral behavior. Born on the 24th of February, 1955, Jobs was born. Jobs biological parents were graduates of WisconsinRead Moresteve jobs leadership style Essay1105 Words  | 5 Pages Steve Job’s Leadership Style. Hoang Vu Dang Ha Bristol University Steve Job’s Leadership Style. Leadership style is a leaders style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are many different leadership styles such as leaders in the political, business or other fields. Steve Jobs (24th February, 1955 – 5th October, 2011) is one of the most remarkable leadership people in modern history and he is well-known as the co-founder
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Greek Play Created By Sophocles - 1608 Words
A Greek play created by Sophocles around 335 BC, Oedipus the King tells a story about one man’s irony to find the previous’ king’s murderer to seek justice. Oedipus stops at nothing to find the killer. As he questions the citizens, he only finds himself to be the killer. In this essay we explore how one major event can create multiple forms of conflict. The conflicts of Human vs. supernatural, the predestined fate of Oedipus and the gods. Human vs. human, when Oedipus heeds no warnings and stops at nothing to find the truth behind his true identity. And lastly; human vs. self, where Oedipus’ curiosity puts him in a fight amongst himself that he cannot win. Human Vs Supernatural Whilst Oedipus was still in the womb, an oracle from†¦show more content†¦In a way it was fate from the very start. From the time when his parents talked to the oracle, up until he was placed on the mountain after birth. It was fate that he was then found by the herdsman who then took him back to the city of Corinth. He lived with his adoptive parents until he left, it was at the crossroads where he murdered the man who almost ran him over in a carriage. That man was Laius, his father. As destined he then married his mother. When a plague hit Thebes, Oedipus sends Creon to the oracle who tells him that the only way to end the plague is to find out who had killed Laius, the previous king. He needed to find them and banish then to demolish the plague from Thebes. Oedipus inquires for Teiresias, of whom he then accused of murdering the late king when he refuses to speak of what he knows. Even after being accused shamelessly by Oedipus of murder for being silent, Teiresias responds â€Å"It is not fate that I should be your ruin. Apollo is enough, it is his care.†(p.435). Teiresias is saying that no matter what he would have said, or what he did not say, that it was destined by the gods to happen anyway. Oedipus confronts Teiresias about how he himself saved Thebes by successfully solving the sphinx’s riddles on his wit alone. With knowledge that Oedipus is great at solving riddles, Teiresias taunts him saying†This day
Violence in the Media Essay - 3310 Words
Violence in Media and Subliminal Messages Media negatively impacts its viewers, resulting in violent behavior through desensitization, creating fearful and aggressive attitudes, while reducing their ability to be creative, which will only worsen in the future due to the magnification and importance on violence in society today. Violence and aggression were once seen as shameful; however acts of aggression have increased by 46% since the 1970’s and by 2030 are expected to increase by another 24% (American Psychological Association, 2012). Movies, television screens and video games have all glorified violence and many various forms of aggression. At a very young age, childrens minds are incredibly easy to influence, their brains absorb†¦show more content†¦It was called Notel by her research team because it was a no television town. The city got television for the first time in the year of 2003. Williams and her associates decided to study the impact. Second grade students were watched over a period of two year s for rates measured psychological aggression. Two years after the introduction of TV, rates of physical aggression among children in Notel increased by 160% and 33% after only one week .Therefore, it is not without reason that in 2006, the House of Delegates passed Resolution 38: â€Å"The house declares TV violence threatens the health and welfare of young Americans...and encourages opposition to TV programs containing violence†(Brandon S. Centerwall, 2006). Demonstrating, how television has a tremendous negative impact and the simple presence of this form of media results in an increase in physical aggression, alas threatening the well-being of the individuals. Television has many negative implications on society, as it is in human nature to mimic actions viewed, thus the increase in this element will result in a 16% increase in the types of crimes commonly displayed on TV, including homicide and abuse (American Psychological Association, 2012).Violence on television is one of the many sources of media violence that causes aggression and causes immediate harm to children and youth in the presentShow MoreRelatedMedia Violence And The Media Essay864 Words  | 4 PagesExposure to the media violence may be especially problematic in late adolescence. Television and other media play a major role in adolescent socialization and identity development by providing perspectives, values, ideologies, and behavior models (Arnett G., Roberts D. et al.). The socializing role of television in particular may be ampliï ¬ ed by the large amount of time young people spend with this medium. Speciï ¬ cally, 18- to 24-year-olds spend more time watching television and movies than youngerRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1892 Words  | 8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazines and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whomRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1949 Words  | 8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazines and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whomRead MoreViolence in the Media1047 Words  | 5 Pagesa law that bans violence in the media: in movies, on TV, in video games, and on the Internet? Adi Shimony Golden Gate University Today, media take a major part of our lives, shape our society and create reality. The Banning violence in the media is an efficient approach the government should take to handle the growing violence in our society. I argue that the US Government should make a law that bans violence in the media. The law needs to limit broadcasting of violence content at timesRead MoreMedia Violence1105 Words  | 5 Pages Censorship of Violence in Popular Entertainment is NOT Justified â€Å"When I was at church they taught me something else/ If you preach hate at the service those words arent anointed/ That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned/ When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless/ Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen/ I might not be the same, but thats not important/ No freedom till were equal, damn right I support it.†These are lyrics from a songRead MoreMedia Violence1535 Words  | 7 Pagesat looking at the potentially harmful effects of the consumption of violent media and the impact it has on psychological factors. Two psychological factors that have been researched are empathy and aggression and how violent media influences these two emotions. Theories that have tried explaining the pathway from the viewing of violence in media and the impact on aggression have generally focused on the role of violent media being used by consumers as observational learning and promoting the developmentRead MoreMedia Violence1142 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen calculated that American kids see about 200,000 acts of violence and 25,000 murders on television by the time they reach age eighteen. (Schleifer 18) Arrests of people under the age of eighteen for violent crimes rose forty-seven percent from 1988 to 1992. (Miller 174) The American Medical Associ ation conducted a study that found a direct relationship between viewing and homicide. (Miller 176) Does this kind of overexposure to violence have a significant effect on children and teenagers? The answerRead MoreMedia Violence9754 Words  | 40 Pagesare among the greatest of imitatorsÂ… The debate over media violence has eluded definitive answers for more then three decades. At first glance, the debate is dominated by one question. Whether or not media violence causes real life violence and whether or not it has a negative effect of the modern day Canadian family. Closer examination reveals a political battle. On one hand, there are those who blame media violence for societal violence and want to censor violent content to protect our childrenRead MoreThe Violence Of The Media2018 Words  | 9 Pagesit was intended. With so many media outlets present in everyday life, it is not hard to imagine there being many concerns regarding violence in the media. This essay looks to explore why there is concerns regarding violence in the media, focusing on the glorification of violence. The essay will also look at the different types of media outlets, i.e. the music industry, film, television, internet and gaming, and how each of them may present a glorification of violence. The essay will look at the caseRead MoreMedia Violence And Crime Violence1168 Words  | 5 PagesMedia Violence and Crimes There are few debates that have been contentious for so long as the debate of whether violent medias contribute meaningfully to crimes. Because of the majority of shooting events committed by younger shooters, many politicians regard cultural effects as a potential contributing factor, while others dismiss media as a contributing factor. Within the social science community, a similar division exists (Ferguson, 2015). For example, some professional supporting groups, like
Poem Analysis Essay free essay sample
They would change them back to normal time when summer ends. This practice has Its root In early societies before the Invention of the modern clock. Because most societies were agrarian at the time, and farm work was Majorca dependent on daylight, people would plan their day and adjust their time according the length of daylight. Where daylight extended into the night, people would adjust their clocks to accommodate the new timeline, which, in this case, will also continue well into the night. The poem focused on the controversy surrounding daylight saving. Winston Churchill sparked the debate on daylight saving time by sensationally claiming that daylight saving time eve the American people more opportunities to pursue happiness and good health. Most farmers and entertainment spot owners opposed DUST vehemently and called for its immediate abolition. After 1 919, most cities in the United States rejected the DUST. New York was among the few cities that continued using DUST. We will write a custom essay sample on Poem Analysis Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The poem having a mind to save the world explores the impossibility that was saving a few more hours from the regular day hours but which the world achieved by Introducing the Daylight Saving Time. The poem states that It Is only In Indianapolis that the people refused to agree to the use of Daylight Saving Time. The city was dependent on agriculture and DUST would discourage normal working hours in the farms affecting productivity. In the poem, Howard likens the phenomenon to the biblical story of Joshua. Joshua asked God to extend daylight so that he could subdue the enemy.God responded to this request by causing the sun to stand still for a few more hours until the war was over, and Israelites emerged victorious. The poem heaps praises on the Ingenuity of Daylight Saving Time, saying that nothing like It existed since it is God who extended daylight during the time of Joshua. The speaker n the poem is an omniscient narrator who experiences the events captured in the poem. We see him associate himself directly with the events in the poem by referring to himself as we when he says we the Indian-givers. From the story, we deduce that the speaker associate himself with a particular period in history. He says, The narrator is talking about occurred at a time in history when most states needed to adopt the Daylight Saving Time. This period was probably when the agrarian revolution was at its peak in America. It is also a time when the southern states such s Indiana fiercely opposed the daylight saving time phenomenon. They thought it undermined agriculture and labor in general. With a grasp of the historical context of the poem, one can share the speakers point of view.The speaker appears excited that daylight saving time is gaining popularity but is at the same time sad that Indianapolis, his home city, has refused to Join the other states in embracing it. He adopts an indifferent tone at the beginning of the poem, an indication that he cannot do much to change the situation as it is. The poet develops an internal conflict in the poem through the words of the speaker. The poet says, Taking Daylight hour from dawn, and giving it to evening, even if we Indian-givers later take it back. This statement shows clearly that the poet feels there is a conflict between the rest of the republic and the inhabitants of Indianapolis. The poem revolves around many political issues associated with the use of DUST in the United States in the early nineteenth century. During this period, a proposal by Willet to have the DUST retained in the US system suffered a narrow defeat in parliament. Similar bills that Willets supporters and opponents later introduced in parliament also failed. This poem has unique form that departs from the conventional poetry styles common in literature.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The History Of Pre-Scientific Era free essay sample
In the prehistoric era, knowledge and guidance were delivered from generation to generation in an oral tradition, before the writing system develops well. They said that psychology has a long past, but a short history. The long past because psychology lies in our curiosity to understand the living lives and why. It has a short history due to it only seems like an organized body of specific in the last hundred unusual years. The variance between the prescientific psychology and science psychology is the prescience focusses on philosophical concern whereby science psychology focusses on biology and medicine.THE HISTORY OF PRE-SCIENTIFIC ERAi. Ancient Roots: which explains the terms of mystical or supernatural things and magical power to natural measures and come out the concept of good and bad.ii. Greek Roots: ancient Greek started to use guesswork and logic in understanding the natural event.iii. Philosophical roots: the early philosophersiv. In India, Buddha questioned how sensations and perceptions combined to form idea while in China, Confucius understands the power of ideas and the importance of an educated mind.v. Socrates (469-399 B.C) and his learner, Plato (428-348 B.C) believed that mind was parted from the body and mind continued to exist after death, and ideas were It is different to Aristotle (348-322 B.C) recommended that the soul is not separable from the body and that knowledge (ideas) grow from experience and understanding.vii. Rene Descartes, like Plato, assumed in soul (mind) body separation but doubted how the immaterial mind and physical body connected and communicated.viii. Pre-scientific psychology with John Locke (1632-1704) said that the mind was a Tabula rasa or blank sheet, at birth, and experiences wrote on it.ix. In general, understanding of how ideas are formed. Socrates and Plato agreed that some ideas are inborn while the mind is a black slate believed by Aristotle and Locke.x. The influence of Islam in the Middle Age: They are two philosophers from the Islamic civilization and they are:†¢ Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (c. 980-1037)Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina is better known in Europe by the Latinized name Avicenna. He is perhaps the most significant philosopher in the Islamic tradition and possibly the most influential philosopher of the pre-modern era. He is best known as a polymath, as a physician whose main work the Canon (al-Qanun fil-Tibb) continued to be taught as a medical textbook in Europe and in the Islamic world until the early modern period, and as a philosopher whose major summa the cure (al-Shifa) had a key impact upon European scholasticism and especially upon Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274). Primarily a metaphysical philosopher of being who was anxious with the understanding of the selfs existence in this world in relation to its contingency. Ibn Sinas philosophy is an effort to build a clear and comprehensive system that accords with the religious needs of Muslim culture.†¢ Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126-1198)Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd, well known in the Latin West as Averroes, lived during a unique period in Western logical history, in which interest in philosophy and theology was fading in the Muslim world and just beginning to display in Latin Christendom. His influential commentaries and unique explanations on Aristotle recovered Western scholarly in ancient Greek philosophy, whose works, for the most part, had been neglected or abandoned since the sixth century.?PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE IS BORN (SCIENTIFIC ERA)The psychology science began in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) the first founder to psychological research in Leipzig, Germany. He admi nistrated the first psychology experiments by calculating individual time reaction to simple task and established the first psychology lab in Germany. Psychology as science convey beneficial to other subjects of human science as below;-STRUCTURALISMEdward Bradford Titchener joined the Cornell University faculty and introduced Structuralism can be defined as psychology as the study of the elements of consciousness which is the supposed structure of our mind. Example, describing about an apple. Apple is crisp, juicy, round, colored and sweet. Structuralism which tried to figure humans thought and elements by having the individual report on how they feel about it. Both Wundt and Titchener studied the basics (atoms) of the mind and emotion to the body.FUNCTIONALISMA school of psychology that focused on how mental psychological and behavioral processes function, on how they enable the creature to survive, adapt and flourish. It is influenced by Darwin and William James (1842-1910) who established the school of Functionalism, which conflicting Structuralism. The first textbook title Principles of Psychology was written by William James. James believed that Consciousness served as a function and the memories would expose our present actions.GESTALT PSYCHOLOGYA school of psychology established in the 20th century that provided the groundwork for the modern study of sensitivity, perceptions, on how people perceive and experience objects as the whole pattern. The word Gestalt is used in modern German to mean the way a thing has been placed or put together.Max Wertheimer (1880-1943), Kurt Koffka (1886-1941), and Wolfgang Kohler (1887-1967) were three German psychologists who introducing psychologists to various Gestalt principles.THE UNCONSCIOUS MINDSigmund Freud (1856-1939) and his followers stressed the importance of the unconscious mind and its effect on human behavior.The term Behaviorism refers to the school of psychology founded by John B. Watson. Psychological Science develops on how Watson (1913) and later Skinner emphasized the study of overt behavior as the subject matter of scientific psychology.HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGYFocused on each individuals potential and stressed the importance of developing, growth and self-actualization. It began as a feedback psychoanalysis and behaviorism in the 1950s. Carl Rogers (1902-1987) and Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) and a few others emphasized current environmental influences on our growth potential and our need for love and acceptance. The character of a person as a unique and organized whole. To know the person well, one needs to collect information about the individuals whole life story and experiences. All the discussed schools of thought in psychology have fade today but they have influenced psychology greatly. Psychology today selecting the best from each school and working with other scientists to improve and achieve their goals better.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
JFK: WAS HIS ASSASSINATION INEVITABLE? A popular misconception is that President John F. Kennedy's assassination was an isolated event perpetrated by one man. This could not be farther from the truth. Instead, it was the result of a complex combination of domestic and foreign events. When President Kennedy was in office, he had to deal with many issues, ranging from business and finance to crime-fighting and war issues. Perhaps it is not as important to decide who it was that killed him, but why. President Kennedy's decisions and courses of action were not popular with everybody, and thus it is not surprising that his assassination was inevitable. The people who might have wanted John F. Kennedy dead can be classified into the following groups: Russians, Cubans, Mobsters (Organized Crime/Mafia), Special Agents (CIA), G-men (J. Edgar Hoover's FBI), Rednecks and Oilmen (Right-wing Extremists), and the MIC (Military Industrial Complex). Each group had its own motives for killing John F. Kennedy. Many of these groups that wanted JFK dead are very closely intertwined, so in order to understand each group, they will each be analyzed seperately.1 In order to better understand the relationship between JFK, the Cubans and Russians, several important events must be mentioned and discussed. Two of the most important foreign affairs in Kennedy's presidency were the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. 2 3 During Eisenhower's administration, Cuba was torn apart by revolution. The Cuban dictator, Batista, was an extremely corrupt man. While he was enjoying a luxurious life, the people of Cuba were in poverty. Thus it was not surprising when a rebellion, led by a man named Fidel Castro, took place. Batista, knowing that the majority of Cuba wanted him out, chose to flea rather than be caught and face execution. Once Batista was out of the way, Cuba was Castro's for the taking.2 One of the first actions Castro took while in charge of Cuba was to close down all casinos. The people running them were either imprisoned or deported. Exploitation of Cuban workers by American was unacceptable to Castro, and he took immediate action against this. He believed American capitalists were taking advantage of the Cubans. Angered by this aggressive attitude toward American "interests", the United States government established a trade embargo, hoping the Cuban people would overthrow Castro and reinstate a more "American friendly" leader.3 With a starving population on one side, and a broken economy on the other, Castro turned to Russia for help. Since Russia did not own any land or power in the US/Cuban region, Castro offered the Russians a chance to extend their sphere of influence. An opportunity which was not refused. Of course, the American government did not accept this situation readily. A plan to train and arm Cuban exiles who would return to Cuba to overthrow Castro was contrived. This secret operation was viewed as far less dangerous than a direct invasion by American troops.4 As the election of 1960 approached, the CIA had already made plans to overthrow Castro with the Cuban exiles. However, to the surprise of just about everyone, a young John F. Kennedy defeated favorite Richard Nixon by the slimmest of margins.5 Nonetheless, the invasion had to go on. The plan was to bomb Cuba's airfields to prevent the Cuban military from killing the invading exiles. However, two things went wrong in the invasion. First, the CIA underestimated the Cuban army, and second, the 4 airstrips were not all taken out, allowing the Cuban airforce to retaliate. Upon hearing news of this, the CIA told Kennedy that in order to succeed the US must provide air coverage for the exiles. Kennedy refused however, believing it would be foolish to provoke a crisis with the Soviets just in order to aid the exiles. Due to this, the exiles were given no chance and were quickly demolished, and the invasion had failed.6 Now that Castro knew the United States' intentions, he knew he was in immediate danger. Once again, he turned to Russia for aid. Castro realized the only way to assert his safety was to defend himself, and what he did was a very strategic move. He asked Russia to send nuclear missiles to Cuba, saying to the US that any more attempted invasions
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
What Makes Essay Sample a Great MBA Admission Resource?
What Makes Essay Sample a Great MBA Admission Resource?When looking for MBA admission, a lot of applicants come across short listed by their interviewers. As such, the purpose of MBA admission essay is to help provide good feedback from the interviewers on your capacity and potential for further career advancement. The best way to do this is through a reference essay. Here are some of the key ingredients that should be included in an MBA admission essay to make it shine as a valuable resource.There are a few key components that form the basis of an MBA admission essay. The first key component is the curriculum vitae. This is the letter of introduction sent out by the applicant to his or her prospective employer. While a CV gives your employer the whole picture of your educational background, it also puts undue pressure on the applicants. Therefore, they should avoid including too much information on the CV.You may also want to work on the curriculum vitae and take away the ones that focus on your education and your course work. Keep in mind that it is only after you have completed your schooling that you can present yourself with an appropriate MBA admission sample. An applicant who has strong academic qualifications is well equipped to present him or herself to the future employer.Your job is to present your resume to the interviewer who is looking for a representative for the organization. To do this, you should always ask yourself 'What do I want to achieve with this company?' Answer these questions with relevant keywords and information that can be applied to a prospective job.While you may want to include other sections in your essay which provide the background of your resume, for the purpose of creating an ideal admissions sample, it should simply focus on what you offer as an applicant. No other information should be included as it will not provide a clear picture of you as an applicant. It will be these key words and phrases that will help determine wh ether or not your application was strong enough to provide a comprehensive review of your competence.Your admissions sample should be short and concise. Most applicants often fill long curriculum vitae that makes them look too over the top, while putting too much information. It should be short and sweet and allow the interviewer to get a glimpse of your skills and attributes as an applicant.What makes an essay sample that it must be engaging. If your CV is something that is well constructed and well written, then it will convey your personality and charisma. For this reason, do not bother to write with a pen and paper; a better idea would be to prepare it on the computer so that it can present itself visually on your CV.An MBA admission sample should be able to provide a comprehensive profile of an applicant. MBA admission paper should be able to answer all queries in just a few paragraphs. In addition, it should offer a comprehensive overview of the applicant's overall skills and qualities as an applicant.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers - Freewrite Store
25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers - Freewrite Store 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers - Freewrite Store 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers It’s such a liberating thought that there is no one way to express your creativity as a writer. As fast as this feeling comes, it’s replaced by the daunting task of putting pen to paper. Everybody has a story to tell. A story that the whole world needs to hear. If you’re struggling to get those words out, or you just want some inspiration, this collection of thoughts, musings, and writing tips should help. "Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer. Some are written in the books, and some are confined to hearts." -Savi Sharma We collected 25 time-tested writing tips from bestselling authors from today and days past. 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers 1. â€Å"Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too.†- Isabel Allende The works of Isabel Allende have sold over 70 million copies and been translated into 35 different languages. The Chilean writer is famous for novels such asThe House of the Spirits (1982) andCity of the Beasts (2002). She brilliantly weaved together elements of myth and realism, often relating to her personal experiences as a woman. Allende went on to say, â€Å"I need to tell a story. It’s an obsession. Each story is a seed inside of me that starts to grow and grow, like a tumor, and I have to deal with it sooner or later.†2. â€Å"This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard.†- Neil Gaiman Source:Pens, Rules, Finishing Things And Why Stephin Merrit Is Not Grouchy Following the advice of Allende, Neil Gaiman suggests putting one foot in front of the other. When a young writer asked the author how to take the last steps towards finish his stories, Gaiman offered this advice, â€Å"How do you finish them? You finish them.†Gaiman’s work has been honored with many awards including the Newbury and Carnegie Medals. 3. â€Å"If you’re using dialogue, say it aloud as you write it. Only then will it have the sound of speech.†-John Steinbeck A Pulitzer Prize winner and Nobel laureate John Steinbeck has written a plethora of wisdom. Even if you’re not an avid reader, you’re probably familiar with Steinbeck’s most significant works. His novels,The Grapes of Wrath andOf Mice and Men defined the American Great Depression. Reading your text aloud to yourself helps to ensure that it flows like a conversation. 4. â€Å"If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.†-Elmore Leonard Steinbeck and Leonard share similar writing wisdom. Whether you choose to read it aloud or rewrite it, take their advice and find a way to make your writing sound less like†¦ writing. 5. â€Å"Protect the time and space in which you write. Keep everybody away from it, even the people who are most important to you.†-Zadie Smith As writers, it’s crucial that we protect our personal space from the multitude of distractions we are faced with every day. Roommates, friends, family, work, and the neighbor's dog all can make it difficult to produce your best work. If you’re available to everybody and everything, you will feel drained and fatigued. When it comes to your work, you're not in the wrong for protecting your personal space. 6. â€Å"In the planning stage of a book, don’t plan the ending. It has to be earned by all that will go before it.†-Rose Tremain Many writers will disagree with this quote. If you start with the end in mind, and that works for you, then maybe this advice isn’t for you. Rose Tremain, the English novelist suggests you earn the ending based on what you've developed beforehand. 7. â€Å"Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea for ever.†-Will Self Will Self has authored ten novels, five short stories, three novellas, and five collections of non-fiction writing. The English novelist isn’t the only writer to carry a notebook at all times. Never forget that fleeting idea that could be your next great novel. Without writing them down, those forgotten thoughts will only come back to distract you and hold your mind prisoner. Self is in good company. Richard Branson, the English business magnate, carries a notebook everywhere he goes. The billionaire considers himself a student of life. 8. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." –Leonardo Da Vinci You can find hundreds of writers who elect to use more straightforward language to get their point across. Sometimes, we assume that a bigger vocabulary means better writing, but that’s simply not true. Here are a few more quotes to get the point across. â€Å"Writing isn’t about using words to impress. It’s about using simple words in an impressive way.†- Sierra Bailey â€Å"If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.†- Albert Einstein 9. "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway The goal of every writer is to find their flow state AND stay there.  The Freewrite is a manifestation of Hemingway’s idea. Ernest Hemingway suggests you sit down at your writing device and, figuratively, bleed. Let the thoughts flow, regardless of how difficult that may be. Leave the editing for later. 10. â€Å"You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.†-Jack London Jack London went on to say, â€Å"and if you don’t get it, you will nonetheless get something that looks remarkably like it.†Jack London, an avid adventurer, found inspiration in all of his travels. He inspired generations of people to leave the comfort of home and explore the world. Don’t just sit back and wait for an idea to hit you. Go after it, and don’t forget your club! 11. â€Å"Forget the books you want to write. Think only of the book you are writing.†-Henry Miller How many unfinished novels do you have sitting on your hard-drive, aging like fine wines? We all do this. Dream up a brilliant idea, get a few thousand words into it, only to be whisked away by the next distraction. We all like to think that we’re capable multitaskers. However, multiple studies have shown that handling various tasks at once is not only damaging to the brain but also your career. Put your full creative energy into one project at a time. 12. â€Å"If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time - or the tools - to write. Simple as that.†Stephen King Stephen King has published a whopping 56 books as of today (5/7/18). The award-winning author still finds the time to read 70 books a year. He takes advantage of every idle moment in lobbies, waiting rooms, and checkout lines. What’s Stephen’s trick? Teach yourself to read in small sips as well as in long swallows. Source:Stephen King: The Craft Of Writing Horror Stories 13. â€Å"Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.†-Anton Checkhov I want you to close your eyes. Now imagine two scenes: 1. The moon is shining. 2. A glint of light from the moon shines on the broken glass. Now, which one is more descriptive? Which scene is more enticing? I’d choose the latter, and I’m sure you would too. This quote is a classic case of â€Å"show, don’t tell.†Showing makes your writing far more interesting to read. Help move the reader along by adding some imagination and color to your passages. 14. "Never use a long word where a short one will do." - George Orwell Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English writer famous for the novels1984andAnimal Farm. In the absence of skill, using long words makes you look pretentious. They also are awkward to read and interrupt the reader's flow. 15. "A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it." -Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe is most noted for his poem, "The Raven." In books, you have time to let the story develop and breathe. You can risk adding details that you deem necessary. When writing short stories, you must condense an entire story into a few pages. There isn’t any room for sentences that don't lead to the ending. 16. "Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you're doomed." - Ray Bradbury When I was 16 years old, I decided that I wanted to work in content creation and online marketing. I took it upon myself to watch every video and read every book pertaining to writing and copy-writing. Eventually, I stumbled upon a video of Seth Godin offering advice to young college graduates. He left me with a lesson that I will NEVER forget. He said, â€Å"move fast and break things.†That inspired me to start my first blog. It quickly grew to 5,000 monthly page views. My first blog posts were horrendous, but I quickly learned what worked and what didn’t. Bradbury offers similar advice. Spend every free minute writing, even if you don’t plan to share it with the world. 17. â€Å"Every sentence must do one of two things reveal character or advance the action." -Kurt Vonnegut In his 50-year writing career, Vonnegut published 14 novels, three short story collections, five plays, and five works of non-fiction. Combine Vonnegut’s and Poe’s advice into a single statement, every sentence of a short story must do one of three things reveal character, advance the action, or build towards a single mood. 18. â€Å"The historian records, but the novelist creates.†E. M. Forster Great novelists have the unique ability to invent their reality. E.M Foster, an English novelist, examined class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th century British society.A Room With A View, one of his most famous works, was turned into an award-winning movie in 1985. 19. â€Å"Read, read, read. Read everything - trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.†-William Faulkner If I could offer you only one piece of advice for becoming a better writer, I would suggest this - read and write a lot. As you read and write more, you develop a better understanding of what is good and bad writing. William Faulkner, an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate had an insatiable drive to keep writing and was never completely satisfied with his work. 20. "You can fix anything but a blank page.†-Nora Roberts Putting pen to paper is a recurring theme in this article. We’ve heard Hemingway, Faulkner, Bradbury, and now Roberts offer similar advice. One of my favorite mentors, Jim Rohn, said, â€Å"Success leaves clues.†People who produce outstanding results do specific things to create those results. As writers, there are many ways to skin a cat, but the commonalities of successful writers remain. 21. â€Å"You have to get to a very quiet place inside yourself. And that doesn’t mean that you can’t have noise outside. I know some people who put jazz on, loudly, to write. I think each writer has her or his secret path to the muse.†-Maya Angelou I know I’m not the only one to struggle with finding a quiet place inside myself. I’ve tried everything from locking myself into a dark room, to hiding my cell phone, and listening to my favorite music. My secret path to the muse is listening to Binaural Beats. As I write this article, I’m listening to the soothing sound ofDelta Waves for Deep Healing Sleep. 22. â€Å"When you’re stuck, and sure you’ve written absolute garbage, force yourself to finish and THEN decide to fix or scrap it - or you will never know if you can.†-Jodi Picoult Jodi Picoult, an American writer, has sold over 14 million copies of her 24 novels. Until you push your own self perceived boundaries, you'll never know how far you can go. Source:Jodi Picoult: The million-selling novelist on carving out time for writing and the influence of Gone With the Wind 23. â€Å"You have to actually write. Daydreaming about the book you’re going to write someday isn’t writing. It’s daydreaming. Open your word processor and start writing.†- Andy Weir Les Brown, a world famous motivational speaker, has in my mind one of the most inspirational quotes of all-time. â€Å"The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.† - Les Brown If you want to be a writer, you have to write and write and write. It starts with one. One character, one word, then one page. They key is, you have to start. 24. â€Å"I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged.†-Erica Jong Erica Jong is an American novelist and poet best known for her 1973 novel, Fear of Flying.She shared her battle with finishing her work. For many writers, their works are their most personal possessions. Take solace in the fact that there is somebody out there who needs your writing. Why take a chance that they may never get to read it? 25. â€Å"Ignore all proffered rules and create your own, suitable for what you want to say.†-Michael Moorcock Source:Michael Moorcock’s rules for writers A few years back, The Guardian asked some of the most esteemed contemporary authors for any golden rules and writing tips they bring to their practice. Michael Moorcock isn’t the first writer to operate under the idea of â€Å"writing what you want†. First, make yourself the audience by telling a story you would want to read. This is a fitting quote to leave for the end. Perhaps Mr.Moorcock has written the final rule on succeeding as a writer. Did you find these writing tips useful? Now it’s your turn to take this inspiration and make it your own.  Carlton Clark loves to write about business, baseball, and popular culture. A writer, marketer, and entrepreneur. At the age of 14, he founded the media company Currently, Carlton helps businesses share their stories through social media and blogging. When he’s not writing or creating content, Carlton coaches youth baseball at his local high school and plays guitar. You can find him online on Instagram @itscarltonclark, and on Twitter @carlton_mukasa
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