Monday, September 30, 2019
Fun Loving Girl
I’ve been on my own for several years now, so have become independent enough that if I can figure out how to fix something, I will give it a try. I don’t need to be in a relationship to be dependent on someone, but want to have a relationship with someone who is my friend and confidant. My ideal match is someone who is easy to communicate with. If you can't talk to each other then there is not much future. I am looking for someone who is trustworthy, honest and faithful. Life is too short to have to wonder what your partner is doing.I have a grown daughter that is on her own with a very special little girl that has stolen my heart. They are most important in my life and always will be. Family is very important to me and I want to be with someone who also values family. This fun loving girl is ready to start taking care of her social life. I keep myself busy as a foster parent and sometimes forget that I need to get out and have some fun. I am a small town country girl w ho just likes to keep things simple. I work at a hunting lodge so stay very busy during the season. I love what I do and don’t consider it a job.I’ve grown up around guns and like to shoot at the range. Never been out hunting, but would like to see what it is all about†¦.. test the ‘if it flies, it dies’ theory. I shot clays for the first time last fall and really enjoyed it, so looking forward to doing that again. Love to go fishing (and yes, I can bait my own hook), just kicking back and taking it easy, spending time around the fire with friends having a few drinks and lots of laughs. I’d rather look at the stars and kiss in the rain than go to the mall. I like NASCAR and hope to get to a race someday.I think it would be awesome to take a car for a spin around the track too. Demo derbies, stock-car races, dirt track†¦. love the atmosphere. I haven’t been on the back of a bike in a very long time and have always wanted to learn to ride myself, so if you are into that, I am not opposed to having the wind in my hair. I enjoy rock from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and country. Never had much opportunity to learn how to two step but would like to learn. I like to go to out of the way places to look at the history, the old buildings and structures and remnants of the past that have been left behind.Antique stores and such are fun to explore and I like going to the local country auctions. I can always find something from the past that catches my eye. I'm looking for someone to enjoy life with†¦. Start out slow but have no limits to where it may go. I am a very affectionate girl who loves holding hands in public and giving hugs and kisses because that is how I like to show you that I care and I am really into you! I don't have time to play games†¦.. unless, of course, they are mutually agreed upon. I am adventurous and passionate, so intimacy and romance is a must. You should know that I gi ve like I want to get back and am looking for that special guy that does the same thing. You must have a great sense of humor! I love to laugh and can find humor in just about anything. I believe you have to laugh at yourself before you can laugh at someone else. And I laugh at myself every day! Laughter is a great healer and I try to surround myself with people who laugh at the smallest most ridiculous thing, and can also create their own humor.I am looking for someone to build a relationship with, that special friend to stand by my side through it all†¦the good and the bad. I want someone who also tries to keep a positive attitude in all things. I am determined to be happy, regardless of what life throws at me. I have learned through experience that the greatest part of my happiness will depend on my disposition, not my circumstances. I choose to be happy. I want someone to enjoy life with. I don't need someone to change me or someone to change for me. I am who I am, I'm not perfect but I work through my imperfection to be a better person.Life is not certain so I live life with no regrets, I am who I am because of my life and don't live in the past. I look forward to each new day and the adventure it brings. So if there is someone out there who is up to the task, I am ready to have fun. Here is our chance to maybe finding that spark for more. I am looking forward to meeting new people, forming lasting friendships, exploring life and the possibility of ultimately finding my soul mate. If you get what I’ve said here, then hit me up and we can get to know each other.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Philosophy in Education Essay
With the rise in technology and the globalizing economy, educators and companies nowadays are finding ways to find suitable mechanisms to enhance education among individuals. The challenge now is for educators to synthesize the technology available and collaborate on the proper teaching method to address the needs of students today into the future. At the same time, students and workers must carefully piece out ideas and facts that will be suitable in the learning process. With the cooperation of both parties, full and quality education shall be achieved. I believe that every individual has their utmost desire to learn and each one has their own subjective interests and field that they want to study. With this in mind, every individual seeks to find an institution that will cater to their need to learn. Thus, it is therefore important for institutions like colleges, universities and schools to continually solidify and harness these interests for it to be beneficial in each ones future endeavor. However the feat must not only be one-sided – the action must also come from the student’s desire and efforts to learn. For students, efficient teaching practices are vital in the development of their individual skills and talents. Educators must continually be trained to address the current demand and needs of students. In addition, with the evolution in the literature and studies as far as education is concerned, issues such as (1) learning, (2) teaching styles, (3) models and (4) proper funding must be continuously address to ensue that each one is coping up in the recent changes in time. As far as students are concerned, their part and contribution to the learning process and education is also vital for the sector to be successful. Students in their own way must contribute to the rise of educational quality brought about by schools, universities and colleges. Since they are the target population of the mentioned institutions, each one must foster and catalyze continuous improvements. In addition, as courses and fields of study become more specialized, students must cope with the challenges and try to gather as much knowledge as they possibly can because the environment changes in the work community. Achieving a degree in a college, university or school does not stop an individual from learning and being educated. I believe that continuous education is vital in the work environment. The work environment also caters to an individual’s learning process. As the worker continuous to gain experience from work, the depth and level of learning and education also increases. However, I argue that there will come a certain point wherein an individual who is working reaches his/her optimum potential to learn. With this, there will now be a decline in learning as familiarization and a routinely work environment enters the picture. Thus, the challenge for companies is to continually motivate workers and introduce new concepts to make the atmosphere more susceptible to learning and education. Companies must create scenarios that can enhance workers education and learning. This can be done by (1) creating efficient and effective training that will update workers of changes, (2) provide incentives to qualified workers to pursue a higher career in education, (3) synchronize company objectives by allowing gradual changes to occur to prevent growth stagnation of the workforce and (4) introducing new concepts that will preferably facilitate better methods to do quality work and at the same time learning. It is said that the only thing that does not change is ‘change’ itself. Education and the learning processes are continuous to evolve through time. With this in mind, mankind must also address these changes for us to adapt and be capable of survival in the future. Man’s constant quest for knowledge does not stop at school, it only progresses and increases as he/she gains experience in the work environment. Education as a concept is not stagnant. One must strive and work hard to achieve his/her endeavors in life. This is my philosophy with regards to education.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Distortions Through Deception In Macbeth Essay
In William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the three witches destroy lives by their acts of deceit to create corruption, violence and an upset in the balance of good and evil. To be deceived implies a deliberate misrepresentation of facts through the words or actions, which is used by one to increase power. While caught in a viscous, power hungry cycle, it is hard to distinguish between what is ethical and moral as reality becomes distorted. It is this distortion and the negative repercussions that cause devastation, which has resulted from deceptions. These deceptions have ruined the lives of many, who were to caught up in a struggle for power and unable to realize their own shattered lives. Firstly, acts of deception, which created corruption, violence and a disturbance in good and evil, are illustrated through the life, which Macbeth led. The witches, through their prophecies, deceived Macbeth. These prophecies lead Macbeth to corruption, and through distortion of reality, felt murder was the only way to gain power. Macbeth murdered Duncan, in order to satisfy this hungry urge for control. Yet, instead of feeling remorse and repenting, he began to plan the murders of others, in order to protect his own guilt. Before Macbeth met the witches, he knew how morally wrong murder was. Through his own distorted perception and corruption, murder became a necessity for survival. Soon others saw Macbeth’s corrupt nature, and thus the rebellion against Macbeth resulted from his hastily built empire. Macbeth used violent actions for what he what he could not be achieve with integrity. Since Macbeth could not stay king without doing a dishonest act, he had Banquo violently slain by someone else, â€Å"Safe in a ditch he bides, /With twenty trenched gashes on his head, /The least a death to nature.†(Shakespeare 3.4.26-28). Although, Macbeth did not carry out these actions, it was his bloody directions that were followed. Violence is another example of how power hungry Macbeth was, by using violence; he had no ethics or morals and could not be admired. Macbeth used violent actions to gain his power, violent actions to stay in power, and regrettably, violent actions were what severed him form his power. Macbeth used violence to destroy the lives of others, and violence ultimately destroyed his. Macbeth was once a person who appeared to have a good grasp on good and evil and was able to distinguish between them. However, Macbeth was quickly confused when he first had the taste of power, once he had tasted the sweet victory, he would do anything not to lose his grasp. It was then, that the aspect of good and evil was forever altered in Macbeth’s eyes, good was quickly associated with power and strength and evil with limitations and vulnerability. Of course, Macbeth wanted to be powerful, he associated everything with it, respect, admiration and recognition. Unfortunately for Macbeth, no matter how powerful he became, he craved more. The only way he felt he could gain power was to kill, and killing is in truth evilness on it’s own. Consequently, Macbeth mistook good for evil and this added to his untimely downfall in the public eye. Macbeth’s hunger for an insatiable power was the act of deception used in order to promote his corruption, violence and disturbances in his morals. Secondly, Lady Macbeth used acts of deception in a more devious manner. She toyed with others emotions, not caring about the consequences as long as she ended up on top. She demonstrated deception through corruption, violence and the balance of good and evil. Thus, Lady Macbeth was along side her husband, also quite power hungry. She craved it, and would do and use any means possible to get it, manipulation, deceit, and even murder. Although lady Macbeth never physically killed anyone, she did play a large part in the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth is solely to blame for being corrupted. She did it all to herself. She began herself corruption by pleading to the spirits, â€Å"Come you spirits/That tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here, / And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full/ Of direst cruelty; make my blood thick/ Stop up the access and passage to remorse, / That no compunctious visitings of nature† ¦And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell†(Shakespeare, 1.6.39-50). By having herself corrupted, she was able to corrupt her husband. She fed his innocent mind full of unkindly thoughts of murder, she convinced him that he will not be suspected, â€Å"Who dares receive it other, / As we shall make our grief’s and clamour roar/Upon his death?†(Shakespeare 1.7.77-78) As a result, this begins the corruption of her spouse. By having her husband believe that power brings happiness, he does exactly as she says. Violence, defined as a powerful force or energy, is the second force Lady Macbeth uses to unknowingly destroy her husbands life and her own. She uses such power in the sense of how perfectly her plan to murder Duncan was carried out with precision. All of the strength she possessed was in the execution of this plan. She was drained emotionally of all her strengths, this let to the quick demise of her mentality. Lady Macbeth never really appeared to have a good grasp on the difference between good and evil. Neither mattered until she received what she wanted. She was spoiled by the evil of her ambitions for her husband to become king. Lady Macbeth wanted nothing more than the power her husband could control and used evil acts to get it. However, once she had the power, the imbalance of good and evil had been tampered with too much and her actions could not be reversed. Since lady Macbeth did not understand the difference between good and evil, her soul was never set free, her suicide is proof of this. Lady Macbeth became lost in her own guilty conscience, something she thought she had long since disposed of. Thirdly, the witches were perhaps the most deceitful characters presented in Macbeth. They used their powers for their own twisted pleasure and easily toyed with certain characters innocence. Initially and by far the largest character in which they corrupted was Macbeth. He was an easy target for the witches; he secretly dreamed of power and only attempted to be modest around others. The witches noticed this and fooled around with his boyish self-esteem. The three told him great prophecies of the future that Macbeth could only dream about. The three knew Macbeth was coming â€Å"A drum! A drum! /Macbeth doth come.†(Shakespeare 1.3.30-31) Secondly, the witches use violent actions to their advantage. They torture humans in their sleep, haunting them, â€Å"Sleep shall neither night nor day/ Hang upon his pent-house lid; / He shall live a man forbid. /Weary sev’n nights nine times nine,†(Shakespeare 1.3.19-22). The witches torture the innocent in their sleep. They tortured a sailor, and they quite possibly could have tortured Lady Macbeth as she slept, although she was not innocent. This could be the ultimate cause for her sleepwalking. Finally, the witches used good intentions on innocent people and use evil prophecies of the future to make others power hungry and desire the evil nature. After one visit from the witches, Macbeth had to know more, he yearned for more information, which was the witches’ objective all along. When Macbeth came back to visit them, they gave him miniscule pieces of information that lead him to believe he had nothing to worry about. While in fact had a great deal to worry about. The witches’ prophecies made him feel invulnerable and were what killed him in the end. The witches had perhaps the largest part in Macbeth, it was their evil prophecies of power that destroyed a vast variety of lives who unfortunately got involved. As clearly illustrated in the lives of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the three witches, deception and the consequences are undoubtedly portrayed as having detrimental effects in their lives. The corruption, violent tendencies and unethical choices are a few of the consequences of the deception, which was created, to devastate. In conclusion, Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, is an excellent portrait of today’s society, as it depicts effects of the insatiable, unrealistic and deceived society, which corrupts, hurts and promotes decisions that leads to the untimely waste of many lives.
Friday, September 27, 2019
IB International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
IB International business - Essay Example Finally, the competition arising from globalization encourages creativity and innovation, in addition to keeping commodity prices, and services in check (Stief 5). However, just like everything else, globalization comes with its demerits. Firstly, the interaction of different world cultures has eventually begun to meld, thus fading the identity of each. The second negative effect is that while outsourcing provides job opportunities to people in one country, it takes away those opportunities from another country thus leaving most of the population jobless. Finally, globalization has increased the chances of spreading highly contagious diseases worldwide, and it might be an immense challenge to stop the spread (Stief 6). Globalization also has various effects on developing countries such as Honduras, a country rich in natural resources, but like most third world countries, only the wealthy and foreign corporations benefit from this wealth, not the poor. The first effect is that third world countries can now improve their economic performance and their living standards as more money gets channelled to these countries. Secondly, developing countries have the privilege to enjoy the benefits of highly developed technology available in the market without having to develop them. Finally, the opening up of trade barriers has made it possible for developing countries to take their local resources to the global market (Stief
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Cyber Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cyber Law - Research Paper Example 1. Cyberspace, cybercrime and cyber law: Before going any further, we have to know what â€Å"Cybercrime†and â€Å"Cyber law†really is and understand the concept of â€Å"Cyber crime†and â€Å"Cyber law.†â€Å"‘Cybercrime’ †¦ consists of engaging in conduct that is outlawed because it threatens order†(Brenner 10). Thus, cybercrime is something which has similarity to the term crime, as all crimes are illegal and all crimes threaten order. The term ‘cyberspace’ was first coined by William Gibson in 1982 which actually describes a â€Å"mentally constructed virtual environment within which computer activity takes place.†â€Å"Cybercrime†means the crimes that are committed within that space and it refers to the risks online (Wall 10). Thus, the term â€Å"cybercrime†indicates crimes that can be committed in a networked computer. It includes crimes like hacking, pornography, crimes related with online financial transactions, credit card frauds, email hijacking, cyber sabotage, virus attacks, etc. The definition of cyber law as given in the business dictionary states that cyber law is a â€Å"rapidly evolving area of civil and criminal law†which is applicable â€Å"to the use of computers, and activities performed and transactions conducted over internet and other networks.†(â€Å"Cyber law†). It includes laws related with electronic copyright, web image trademarks, software piracy, domain name disputes, electronic stocking, online business information, etc. (â€Å"Definition of cyber law†). 2. Different types of cyber crimes: 2.1 Offences against confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Computer and System:1 It includes crimes that are against any one of the three principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability. The different crimes that can be included in this category can be offences of illegal access like â€Å"hackingâ₠¬ and â€Å"cracking.†â€Å"Hacking†means unlawful access to a computer. It includes offences like breaking the password of protected websites (Gercke 20-21). The second form of crime in this category includes â€Å"Data Espionage†which means accessing sensitive information without the permission of the host. The two approaches which are used to obtain information can be accessing a computer, and extracting information, and using manipulation to make users disclose their access codes, which is also known as â€Å"phishing†(Gercke 23-25). The other crimes coming within this category are illegal interception, data interference and system interference. 2.2 Content-related offences:2 The aforementioned category includes offences of publishing content which is illegal or obnoxious. It includes erotic or pornographic material excluding child pornography. Many countries criminalize access of pornographic content by minors. Secondly, child pornography is co nsidered as a criminal act and is also punishable (Gercke 32). The other types of offences included in this category are racism, hate speech, glorification of offence, religious offences, illegal gambling and online games, libel and false information, spam and related threats, other types of illegal content like unlawful sale of products, etc. (Gercke 34-40) 2.3 Copyright and Trademark-related
The Political, Social and Economic Impact of WWI on European Society Essay
The Political, Social and Economic Impact of WWI on European Society - Essay Example This essay declares that socialism emerged as a significant force, which was a result of the Russian revolutions. The society of each warring European nation altered; for instance, in Britain the class system changed as the lower class consciousness, progressed; in France a whole generation of men demised, in Eastern Europe populations were again growing up as young nations popped up on the political map, while Germany survived by forming a non-imperial recognition. This report stresses that WWI, which is also referred to as one of the bloodiest battles of the century, had immense impacts throughout Europe. From the political perspective, the war left an evident scene of how it affected the main powers of Europe. For nations, such as Britain and France, the regime change was unessential, while in Germany there was a crucial change with far reaching consequences, whereas in Russia, the impact was drastic as well, resulting in two revolutions. Therefore, the war left a chain of political effects which were both direct and indirect. For instance, WWI pushed forward the idea of unity rallied behind people’s governments enhanced by the patriotism feeling. In the 1914 in France, during the formation of the Union Sacre, it was clear that the socialist ideas were put down so as to favor the nationalistic tendencies. Correspondingly, in Germany such a tendency was witnessed when Burgfrieden’ pursued contamination of socialism during that pe riod. The same enthusiasm, to certain extent, was also noted in Russia. Furthermore, according to Mazzini3, the French republicans understood the internal question in 1848 when they decided to abandon the European initiative, set aside their aspirations of Lamartine Manifesto and pursued strengthening of organizations of labor. The question of nationality entailed understanding the alliances of people, the power balance which was anchored on novel foundations. The changes in political aspects that were impacted on by the WWI were reflected mostly through the collapse of the European empires and monarchies. As the Ottoman Empire and the Austria-Hungary totally diminished, the WWI also led to the destruction of the Russian and German monarchies as they were transformed into republics. Furthermore, this was integral in the promotion of nationalism across and outside Europe resulting into the demand for independence among colonies of European nations. Additionally, a lot changed on the social front as men had mostly participated in the war while women were left in charge of their nations’ establishments and businesses. Women were initially considered as homemakers, whose core duty was to serve their families, but the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Pressures on employees at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Pressures on employees at work - Essay Example The designed guidelines touch on the numerous and diverse demands made by staff workers and the degree of control that staff members have their duties and responsibilities. The guidelines additionally address the managerial support systems within a workplace, the degree of clarity of an individuals position and responsibilities attached to the position and staff relationships within the workplace. The guidelines provided by the Health Survey for England (HSE) are founded on broad studies. In the course of their formulation, HSE conferred with numerous stakeholders including employers, staff members, staff organizations and other interested parties. This approach was intended to improve the way organizations dealt with stress related issues at the workplace. Therefore, an individual may enquire what stress is. It is defined as an unfavourable reaction individuals have to intense demands or other forms of demands placed upon them. It is different from basic workplace pressure, which sometimes develops motivational tendencies. The unfavourable response can negatively affect the affected individuals mental health developing into extreme cases of anxiety and depression. Individual-environment fit theory states that the effects of stress may come about when intimidating workplace demands culminate into unevenness in the interrelation between a person and the environment of his or her workplace. Even though dominant, the framework is regarded by some scholars to have produced an unclear method to the analysis of work-related stress (Chemers et al. 1985) and it remains to be seen whether the confusion existing between the fit theory and its evaluation will end anytime soon. Another theory developed later known as the job strain theory has put emphasis on the interrelation between objective demands of the occupation environment and staff choice autonomy (Karasek & Theorell 1990). The focus is on the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Horace Mann Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Horace Mann - Research Paper Example Education is considered one of the primary needs of the society for wholesome development of the society and all its constituents. It is therefore of vital importance that children are imparted the right kind of education at the right time, to make them better citizens for tomorrow. Earlier public schools were considered as means of nurturing the talents of ‘natural aristocracy’, but Mann sought to change the notion and made efforts towards democratizing the education sector so that public schools can also prove to be useful for the larger and deserving sections of the society (Dewey, 1964). The fact that today public school education is available for everybody is a testimony to the success of such efforts from Mann. Born on May 4, 1796 Horace Mann got his initial education from the congregational church in Franklin, Massachusetts (Ritchie, 2009). For many years he practiced law, was a member of state senate for three years, when he became the Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Education in 1837. This proved to be a big turning point in his life and in the history of United States of America. Those days were known for sectarian religious education, meant for the privileged few. Mann started raising his voice against this practice and in the process ended up ruffling the feathers of a number of influential people in the society. He started advocating the non-sectarian religious education. He continued his campaign till he was elected to the House of Representatives in the year 1848, which further paved the way for the cause being taken up by him. While advocating education as a means of development Mann introduced two major goals for the twentieth century (Brick, 2005); Today, while talking about education emphasis is laid on around round development of the student. This appears to be straight out of the thoughts propagated by
Monday, September 23, 2019
Delta Airlines Employee Motivation and Performance Research Paper
Delta Airlines Employee Motivation and Performance - Research Paper Example However, an employee can only be eligible for such privileges after working for an initial minimum of thirty days. The travel privileges can be used across all the destinations that are covered by Delta Airlines. Through this program, employees in the airline have been able to travel to different global destinations and they reciprocate in appreciation of their employer’s effort make their work experience enjoyable. The reciprocation is seen through improved employee performance and proper relations with the Airline management (Nelson, & Quick, 2013). In addition, the employees’ relatives can also enjoy the travel privileges. Spouses, minors mainly students and parents are entitled to the provision of free travel services. Employees’ children that are nondependent travel companions and friends can also enjoy reduced travel charges. It is notable that the employees’ families are an integral part of their lives and may play a big role in compelling them to keep working at the airline. If the families and friends receive such privileges, they may impact positively on the employees’ attitude towards their role at the airline. Consequently, the employees are compelled to keep working for the airline and develop a positive assertiveness towards the execution of their duties (Grodal, Nelson & Siino, 2015). The employees and their family members eligible for the travel privileges are expected to be on board after other commercial passengers have boarded the flights. Therefore, they occupy the spaces that are still available after all the revenue travellers are on board. Before the travel privileges are activated, the employees are expected to pay an activation fee amounting to fifty dollars. The travel privileges are applicable after the proper guidelines are adhered to and relate to all the employees. In order to maintain its well-established status in the airline industry, Delta Airlines offers a number of rewarding benefits to
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Effects of Peer Pressure Essay Example for Free
Effects of Peer Pressure Essay Everyone wants to belong , to be accepted . This is a major reason why teenagers feel pressurized to go along with what others are doing the so called peer pressure. Teenagers are going through tremendous physical and emotional changes as they change from childhood to young adults . There are new responsibilities to be faced , exams to be taken and of course new relationships to be faced . There is rebellion against the rules and ideas that parents impose and so they flock together almost in desperation in some cases. As young people spend more time with their peers outside the family home there are opportunities to do things that they haven t done before such as trying out substances drugs , alcohol and so on . Young people at this stage in their lives often feel very insecure are the changes that are happening to them normal ? Why haven t they got bigger breasts a longer penis , a boy /girl friend and all the rest ? They may even be unsure of their sexual orientation By giving in to peer pressure and uniting in a common `uniform whether of clothing or language they feel stronger and more normal , and meeting with others going through similar problems reinforces their egos , even though this may go against the norms of society in general. As they mature , obtain jobs , move away from the area in which they grew up perhaps , the effects of peer pressure will diminish . see more:essay on peer pressure They will hopefully realize that misusing drugs is not a good thing . Gradually , as they become surer of themselves , most people feel able to make their own decisions as to which music they prefer , clothes to be worn , even their opinions on world issues will be less affected by what their friends think or do . They will make their own decisions about taking drugs or getting drunk . They will feel accepted for who they are , what they are capable of , and though peer pressure continues to affect most people to some extent its effects tend to lessen as maturity occurs Peer pressure has a very strong influence on our decisions; so it is capable of bringing about great change, whether its for the good or the bad of the situation or person. Peer pressure exists for all ages. Pre-teens and teenagers face many issues related to conformity and peer pressure. They are pulled between the desire to be seen as individuals of unique value and the desire to belong to a group where they feel secure and accepted. The result is that often teens reject family or general society values, while feeling pressure to conform rigidly to the values of their peer Your peers are the people with whom you identify and spend time. In children and teens, they are usually, but not always, of the same age group. In adults, peers may be determined less by age and more by shared interests or professions. Peer pressure occurs when an individual experiences implied or expressed persuasion to adopt similar values, beliefs, and goals, or to participate in the same activities as those in the peer group. Peer groups have so much influence, especially with adolescents, because, nomatter how inappropriate it seems to adults, belonging to a group really doesgive something significant to the young person. Peer groups provide a placewhere children feels accepted, where they can feel good about themselves, andwhere their self-esteem is enhanced. Some psychologists also point out thatlife become simpler when we conform to expectations. Young people tend to gravitate toward other young people with the same problems and in the same situations as themselves and where they feel they will be understood and accepted.There is a very, very strong need to satisfy that thirst for unity and for acceptance. The feeling of belonging is a very powerful force that can outweigh ties to church, school, family, or community. In addition to the feeling of belonging and not being alone or socially isolated, some characteristics that peer groups offer which make them attractive and that families may lack are: (1) a strong belief structure; (2) a clear system of rules; and (3) communication and discussion about taboo subjects suchas drugs, sex, and religion. Read more:
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Understanding The Roles Of Vodafone Telecommunications Information Technology Essay
Understanding The Roles Of Vodafone Telecommunications Information Technology Essay Vodafone group plc is a global telecommunications company based its headquarter in Newbury, United Kingdom. If measured by the revenues its a largest telecommunication company in the world, along with this if measured by the subscribers its the worlds second largest just behind the china mobile. As Vodafone is a global company, it is providing services in more than 30 countries not only this Vodafone has other partner networks in 44 different countries. The Vodafone name comes from three different things which are voice, data and fone which reflect to providing services of voice and data over the devices (Mobile phones etc). The company was formed in the year of 1984 basically as a subsidiary of Racal Electronics Plc. In start the company named as Racal Telecom Limited but it was fully demerged and changed the name as Vodafone Group plc in 1991. The main objective of this specific report is to probe into the organisations information systems, structure of organization, analyze the information requirements, decision making, Business strategies, IS strategy, IT strategy, ethical issues, strength, weaknesses, opportunities, goals and objectives, managerial levels, benefits, and some other environmental factors. Furthermore this report will be the evidence of understanding of the entire studies which is conducted in this module and also the real world market. Organizational Structure The number of employees in Vodafone UK is over 10,000. Vodafone aim to provide a fair, safe and flexible workplace which helps to motivates their employees to work hard and to feel engaged and create better environment to the work. The below is organisation structure of Vodafone group; Vodafone Group Plc organisation chart Diagram: Vodafone organizational structure ( Marketing development organization As marketing is very important tool to expand the businesses in this modern world. Vodafone is continuously working on it to compete with the market and also fulfil the peoples requirements. Vodafone is using different ways to advertise their products (services) such as Zonal marketing trial, Idle screen, Branded applications and widgets trial, Location based advertising trial and so on. Within these different types of marketing advertisement, Vodafone is keep in touch with the customers to knowing their requirements and also providing them better services. Mission statement A mission statement of an organization is very important to indicate itself. It is just a sentence but it is full description of general purpose and intention of that organization. The mission statement tells the employees what they are working for; along with this persuade the customers to buy the products or services. A mission statement is that which define the basic reasons for the existence of an organization and helps legitimise its function in society (Robson, 1997). Mission statement of Vodafone is; We will be the communications leader in an increasingly connected world This specific mission statement shows that it is Communication Company / organization, which goal is to become the leader to connect the world rapidly. Goals and objectives The goals and objectives play vital role to a company. As this is a modern age and every company is facing challenges to compete with the current market , same Vodafone has some goals which they are trying to reach. Vodafone is continuously working to update and meet the requirement of the customers. To reach on the top and accomplish with the goals Vodafone has some objectives which they are completing step by step. Below are some goals which Vodafone is willing to achieve; Create Authenticity in expanding communication technologies. Connectivity between different devices in future. To understand and use (web) data in more ways. To find options and possibilities of energy. Improvement of services in each part of country. ( Strategy The strategy of the organization indicates its prospects and also helps to improve the business. Strategy of an organization can be defined as the identification of the purpose of the organization and the plans and action to achieve the purpose (Lynch, 2006). The strategy of Vodafone changes with the passage of time, because in the year of 2006 Vodafone intentions were different according to the year 2009 and 2010. The Strategic focus in 2009 is on operational performance, total communications, emerging markets, capital discipline. Environmental analysis Political factor The political factors are very effective for the organizations. If the political factors are in favor of the organization then it will be easy to navigate and boost the business. It is also said that managers should operate within the laws and regulations of the host country (Gray Larson 2008). The stability of political issues in the specific region or country and local laws sturdily influence the performance of organization. Without the information of the local laws and regulations there is a possibility of facing penalty which could lead to a big loss. If we have a look on Vodafone globe, we will come to know that its price plans and other services are different according to the country law and demand of nation. So the organization must need to understand and obey the local laws of the country where it is operating. Economic factor The economical factors can also have adverse effect on the organizations profitability and productivity. Vodafone was quite better in economy but because of recent downturns in economy it was affected in some countries. Vodafone Spain reported turnover of euro 6,982 million in the last financial year, 2.6 % less than the previous. (Vodafone 2009). To get economically strong Vodafone is working continuously to improve the economy of the company. Recently Vodafone has extended the services for customers; this could lead to improve the economy. Social /cultural factor As Vodafone is expanded in different countries, so they have to understand the requirements and social issues of specific country / region. Vodafone have created social networking and social media sites which helps to communicate and information sharing. Along with this Vodafone have agreements with so many social networking sites to offer the services. Vodafone always put efforts for safe social networking. ( Technological factor There is technology revolution at this present age. Every day new technology arrives with so many advanced enhancements. It is becoming necessary for an organization to keep update with their technology and to keep with the pace of the modern life, it also play the part to compete with the market. Vodafone is always active to keep update its technology to satisfy the customers and also to fulfil with the modern requirements. For this Vodafone announced the launch of its latest Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) certified Mobile Wi-Fi device, the R201. (Vodafone, aug 2010) Ecological factors In a report it is mentioned that there are more than 800 million mobile devices are in use and these are growing every day as new technology is in market. The using and expanding of these devices are not that good for health and ecologically. Vodafone keeping in mind these all issue thats why Vodafone Ireland has announced to reduce CO2 emission by 30% by 2011. With the progress Vodafone is also working to create a better environment for future. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a method of strategic planning which is used to evaluate the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related in a project or in any task. SWOT analysis specifies the objectives of the project and also identifies the internal and external factors of the project. Strength Vodafone always struggle to make the network outstanding. Vodafone is committed to giving you a network you can depend on. The first priority of Vodafone is make sure that people can use mobile and connect to the internet where they are, and whenever they want. Vodafone competitors are also upgrading their services to persuade the customers but speciality of Vodafone is, its network is expanding but also provides better signal strength indoor and outdoor. Vodafone is keeping in mind to provide a such network which has journey of a call, fast and reliable connections and a network you can trust. ( Weakness As every company have some weaknesses, same Vodafone sometimes face such problems. The first weakness of Vodafone is its less connectivity in rural areas. Shares in Vodafone fell to lowest point but still head of Vodafone Company decided to sell the shares. BP overtakes Vodafone amid continued telecoms weakness ( Vodafone got negative return on assets (ROA) underperform the main competitors like BT Group, ATT and others. The other weakness is Vodafone has about 80% business generate in Europe. Due to these weaknesses Vodafone sometimes face problems to maintain the company standards. Opportunities Vodafone has so many opportunities to get benefit of it. Vodafone has expanding network with better services this made Vodafone to create opportunities for customers as well as Vodafone itself. With the passage of time climate is changing also Vodafone is working to tackle this problem with the facility of video and teleconferencing and thorough the other energy efficient machines. The Vodafone policy is full of opportunities for customers and company itself. Threats As Vodafone is dominating in the world of communication, so the competitors are the main threats for Vodafone. In start of Vodafone life, there werent so many competitors of Vodafone but gradually so many companies come to exist and started the war in the field of telecommunication. As it is expanding network, every day new customers are joining Vodafone, it could create problem in network. So Vodafone need to update their boosters or all other technologies which could lead to calling and data transferring problems. Along with this, as other competitor companies are introducing new services, same Vodafone need to introduce such facilities/services which could keep customers in touch with Vodafone. Level of Management Information System There are four level of management, each level supporting different kind of decision process. It works from top to bottom, as top level management which is strategic level makes decision then it ends with the bottom which is Operational level. These four are defined below; Strategic level: This specific level of management is for seniors like, CEO, VIP, and Manger. This type of management usually makes long term decisions like 3 to 10 years. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Management level / Tactical level: This management level is usually resource allocation decision level. In this management level managers utilise and allocate time, raw material, machinery, funds etc and this is usually for 1 to 3 years. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Knowledge level: The knowledge level is a additional level of management in which knowledge and data workers work. This level is all about the knowledge of the specific project. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Operational level: In this bottom part of the management level, managers work day to day to complete the task. Normally in this level, manager makes decisions less than one year. Recommendation: Sales and marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, Human Resource IS, and Finance and Accounting IS. TPS OAS KW MIS DSS ESS Operational Level Knowledge Level Management Level Strategic Level Diagram: Types of IS and level of working. Information Systems An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect process, store and distributed information to support decision making and control in an organization (Laudon Laudon, 2009). With the help of information system a project could lead to a successful project and can complete on time. Information system provides fast and accurate transaction along with this it provides support for decision making. The information system is the weapon against competitor companies. There are some major information systems which work in each management levels are below. ESS (Executive support system) work in strategic level. DSS (Decision support system) work in management level. MIS (Management information system) work in management level. KWS (Knowledge working system) work in knowledge level. OAS (office automation system) work in operational level. TPS (Transaction processing system) work in operational level. ESS (Executive support system) ESS is designed to draw summarized information from MIS and DSS and present graphs and data from many sources through an interface that is easy for senior managers (Laudon Laudon, 2009). This is top management level and top people of management deal in this level. The chief executive of Vodafone makes final and basic decisions, and all departments head collect the information (data) and present to him for his decision to go throw. The ESS information system manage all the activities happening within the company like sales, purchase, cost etc which helps chief executive to make decisions and start new plans. DSS (Decision support system) The DSS helps to navigate the company into right path, because if company is getting loss from present services or technology then it indicate the down turn of the company. With the help of DSS Vodafone sometimes change the price plans and also other changing occurs which are effect for company. The DSS of Vodafone can usually use information from other information systems but they need to get informed from outsource to come up with it. MIS (Management information system) Middle management needs system to help with monitoring, controlling, decision making and administer activity and to work with this, the systems which are use called MIS (Laudon Laudon, 2009). This information system basically helps to monitoring the activities happening within the company. With the help of this information system managers can check any transaction from thousand of transaction. Managers often need to see, what is going on with the company during it is working to know that, is company is doing fine or not, and MIS helps to do that. This system also provide required reports weekly, monthly or yearly, which helps manager to make decision. KWS (Knowledge working system) Knowledge work system or knowledge based information system that support the creation, organization and dissemination of business to employee and mangers throughout a company (OBrien Maracas, 2008). This information system helps the organization to find the new ways to reach the success. In Vodafone KWS use to find what new price plans will be appreciable by customers and also how to improve services. OAS (office automation system) The OAS usually use in employees data and for office work. As it is mentioned above that OAS is use in operational level. This information system manages all the office work of Vodafone like non financial asset, share based payment, pension etc. TPS (Transaction processing system) TPS help the operational managers to keep track of the elementary activities and transaction of the organization, such as sales, receipt, cash deposit, payroll, credit decision and the flow of materials in a factory (Laudon Laudon, 2009). In this system Vodafone can interact with the customers on daily basis. The information system helps Vodafone to deal with the all sort of enquires. Ethical Issues The use of Information system could be very risky for an organization. As it is very necessary for an organization to use information system to boost the performance of the work in better and convenient way meanwhile it could be very risky and can lead to disruption. So a lot of ethical issues need to keep in mind when implement information system. For example, if wrong information of data is entered then output also will be wrong this could lead to wrong decision making which is very harmful for company. It is very important to focus on ethical issue, if there is problem in OAS that wrong information is entered in the database of Vodafone then it will store wrong information in the system, it will produce wrong result. Same as if there is problem in TPS (Transaction Processing system) that transaction is made wrong while customer is paying bill or when Vodafone is topping up the account of the customers this could create problem for both customers and the company. Some ethical issue s of Vodafone are below; Privacy Protection: company need to focus on privacy of the company and its business. It needs to ensure that all transaction, made exactly and correctly. Along with this Vodafone needs to protect transaction occurred, that other cant retrieve it. Accuracy of Information: In process of data storage and all other inputs Vodafone needs to be careful of the authenticity of the stored information. Sometimes companies are expecting are something but they get something else at the time of result. Right of Information: Every mangers needs to know his responsibilities that he can maintain structure of the company. Security: As much the system is secure company will be safe from threats and misuse. Lack of knowledge: Staff must be trained to do the job and satisfy the customer in the criteria of information system. Conclusion: All organizations need to use information system to boost the performance and drive through the success. Information system helps organization to sort out, about all kind of problems and become profitable. As Vodafone is a communication services provider, so to come up with all necessities of this modern life and to compete with market, Vodafone needs to use specific information systems. There are so many companies in market competing with Vodafone, but due to choosing right and efficient information system, Vodafone is at the top.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Opposing Models and Approaches to Care of the Elderly
Opposing Models and Approaches to Care of the Elderly Maria Theresa O. Seguerra INTRODUCTION: The proper practice in care is not just about having to do things well or having the adequate knowledge, it also involves showing good moral and attitude towards people. The best way to determine that you have given out the suitable care is putting yourself in the other person’s shoe. The right way to social care is to always involve a good value base (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2014). In this paper, we are tasked to weigh the pros and drawbacks of the theories and principles that concerns the person- centred approach to care for people suffering with dementia and other health conditions for the elderlies. The Task Question 1 Person- centred approach This type of approach directly addresses the person as a single and unique individual rather than looking through them generally or perhaps treating them straight with regards to their disease condition. This method targets to care for the person with dementia as an individual with uniqueness, interests and needs rather than aiming to treat their illnesses or disabilities that they are currently suffering. Instead of focusing on their disease symptoms, this approach considers the person as a whole and is cared for holistically. There are eight (8) approaches that cover this type of approach, the following are: Individuality Every person is unique from one another. A person suffering from dementia is stereo-typed as an individual who has lost his independence and conformity to society thus he is not handled as someone who still possess his own right to distinctiveness and dignity. It should be the case that people need to understand that these ones must be given value and respect as an individual despite having mental impairment. To be able to care for these clients, accurate and in- depth history of the client’s needs and preferences should be noted. These information should be sorted out well enough by the health care providers and handed over in a very precise manner to the caregivers so as to bring about the best care as what their loved ones have expected. Rights Although demented people have slowly diminished sense of personal identity, their personal rights have been gradually eroded too. However, even if these have occurred in them, their personal character, morals and values still retain. We can see that these people have lost their critical thinking, comprehension and judgment the reason why many of their rights have been violated and abused by the people around them. In order to protect the clients, especially those who are confined in aged care facilities, they always have the power of attorney. The power of attorney is a written document that the client has given to another person to take charge or to represent in behalf of the client’s personal affairs and other legal matters against the wishes of the others (Citizens Advice Bureau NZ, 2014). In order to give these people the care that they deserve, those who are included in the care must have an environment conducive for demented people, for them to be able to understand more of their sentiments, and interests. Also, an environment which is secure and safe because protection is always the priority for them. Choice Health care providers especially those ones who are involved directly with the care of people with dementia must not assume that they are not capable enough to make their own decisions. They should however, must be assisted in deciding with their daily preferences and needs. Good collaboration with them enhances their chance to regain independence and self- worth. To be able to create the plan of care to these clients, early detection of dementia is ideal for the healthcare providers to be able give them choices and plan out a comprehensive person- centred approach of care. Privacy This principle is very significant to every individual, in general. This should be uphold and encouraged. Issues pertaining to privacy and confidentiality must be dealt with accordingly, thus during staff meetings and inductions it should be emphasized that privacy and confidentiality of the clients must be maintained. Moreover, simple measures must be done especially in giving them their personal spaces and time. These simple approaches conceal huge impact to the clients daily living. Independence As dementia progresses, an individual’s capabilities of doing his own activities of daily living diminishes. It is not that they cannot carry out the activities anymore, it is just that they usually forget what they are supposed to do. The main reason why they need guidance and assistance most of the time and not imposing on them. When the caregivers enact things according to their wants just to get their work done in a fast manner, they are trying to take away the client’s freedom and independence. Dignity People with dementia should be handled with utmost respect. Always remember the person they used to be and dementia itself only should be the second of the priorities. In that way, when the healthcare providers use that awareness to make decisions about their care and their daily routine is one way of maintaining the patient’s dignity (A Place for Mom, 2015). Always take into consideration that the person with dementia has no control of their judgment, memory and communication anymore. Therefore it is our duty to make modifications so as to help them direct their needs. Respect Dementia is seen as a slow deterioration of an individual’s personality until there is nothing left of that person and still, that person carries on. It is always a rule of thumb to maintain that much needed respect they need and in order to do so, staff should lessen embarrassment to the patient and focus on their optimistic attributes. Also, it is important to validate a person’s sense of self and self- worth (Victoria, 2014). Autonomy Clients suffering from dementia still has the capacity to make even small decisions. Although they are incapable of comprehending and deciding complicated tasks but still they deserve to be respected well. A patient’s autonomy should be respected even if the client is against the health care provider’s recommendation. This has helped develop cooperation and collaboration in making health related decisions (University of Miami Ethics Program, 2015). Question 2 Non- person- centred approach This method is aimed in looking at the individual rather than viewing the person holistically. There are two perspectives in this approach, these are: Institution perspective This type of perspective is directed to the establishments and facilities which focus on the care of elderly patients. Such establishments are those retirement villages, rest homes, nursing homes. The care plans made in this type of perspective are based on the institution’s policies and goals. Bio Medical perspective This perspective is based on the thought that human development is based on reason and rationality. In this model, it is believed that science and technology can improve human health. There are six assumptions in this perspective. First and foremost, that mind and body can be cured independently. Second, the body is like a machine that when it breaks down it can still be repaired. Third, that medicine should develop a more advanced solution to the health problems. Fourth, biomedicine focuses on the biological aspect of the disease process not considering the psychological and social issues. Fifth, it is said that every disease has its own etiology and lastly, medicine is the only way through understanding the disease and illness process (Cantley, 2001). Question 3 Reality- orientation approach This method follows a view point of in- patient treatment for minimizing confusion in geriatric patients. In this philosophy, it is said that confusion comes from: Under- stimulation of the patient. Care providers’ absence of persuasion or anticipation that the client perform his normal behaviour. Care givers’ no reinforcement of expected behaviours when the behaviours are performed (Taulbee and Folsom; Folsom, 1968). Validation approach This approach uses interaction of patients in the later stage of Alzheimer’s. This method aims to understand and feel for the needs of the person that he is trying to express. So, the concept of validation approach is the thought that people suffering with dementia say and reason out things with a purpose, and validating what they say and do is a way of boosting them to communicate openly and expressively with others (Pekker, 2011). Reminiscence techniques This technique includes the discussion of activities, events and experiences in the past with a group, usually with the help of noticeable and familiar things from the past. The participants, in this technique, are encouraged to express about past experiences at least once weekly. Also, there is also a life review that involves a one on one session in which the individual is led chronologically with his life experiences and encouraged to assess them and sometimes they may be able to make a life story book. This approach is said to be one of the used interventions in the care of patients with dementia and is highly rated by participants because it has evidently improved the mood and cognition of the clients. Assistive technologies This refers to any equipment, products or items used in helping to improve or maintain the capabilities of demented people most especially with their functional abilities, cognition and communication. This is beneficial to both parties, the carers and the demented client, as the job would be made easier and safer, easier and more person- centred. Holistic approach Clients with dementia may have benefitted from medication treatment, this approach believe that all individuals benefit from this type of method to care. There are four pillars in this approach, and these are: Environmental There are environmental factors that triggers and enhances reactions and behaviours for the demented person. By accurately assessing these factors and eliminating those hazards, health care providers can reduce agitation, irritability, anxiety and maintain an environment conducive for living. Communication It is important for caregivers in caring or dementia people to use effective communication methods because in this way reduction in agitation and frustration from the clients may result if and when you talk to them in a manner that is comforting. Dementia care communication can be verbal or non- verbal and knowing the difference impacts greatly as the demented individual can be affected either positively or negatively by words and body language. Nutritional Giving the client the appropriate nutritional needs can affect your care to them. Foods rich in fibre supports digestive health and bowel movement, increase fluid intake can support hydration needs. Thus, it is evident that diet holds an important role in maintaining the old person’s well- being and health. QUESTION 4 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH PROMOTION Demented people would require needed help and support in the long run especially when the illness has advanced to a higher level. They may not be able to express their thoughts and insights about their care. However, many organizations may it be publicly or privately- owned support them by providing good awareness and advocacy services. For example, for those clients who prefer to stay in their homes can still be supported through the elder care locator wherein they can freely choose the caregiver they want to care for them that lives nearby. Also, Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Hotline where all questions by the client, loved ones, friends and family are being answered and explained to them in a way that can easily be understood. This can be accessed 24/7 at any time of the day. Lastly, the Alzheimer’s Association is another organization for those elderlies who wish to stay in a care facilities. This type of association gives a thorough explanation and choices of care fa cilities and its location that suits the elderly clients. ATTITUDES TO HEALTH AND DEMAND FOR HEALTHCARE The young generation of today are surveyed to be afraid of aging and getting old most especially when they think about suffering from dementia because of the society’s stigma that they may face in the future. However, the aging process is inevitable and there is nothing that can be done to turn back time. Dementia is bound to be one of the add-ons when growing old and the young nurses these today are predestined to care for this aging population however, it will be a lot easier for them to do this because of the many organizations that support the Alzheimer’s community. They help and direct them towards the progress of the clients’ well- being and health. Therefore, it is right to give the elderlies with utmost respect and dignity regardless of race and condition. References A Place for Mom. (2015). Retrieved from Cantley, C. (2001). A Handbook of Dementia Care. Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press. Net industries. (2015). Retrieved from Medicine encyclopedia: Pekker, M. (2011, November 9th). Blogger corporation. Retrieved from Alzheimers review: Victoria, S. o. (2014, July 16). Department of Health, State of Victoria Australia. Retrieved from Woods, B. S. (2005, April 18). PubMed. Retrieved from Cochrane Database Syst Rev:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Dune :: essays research papers
Dune The book Dune has a science-fiction story line that associates two major themes frequently in the book. The title and the setting of the book are used to establish the bleakness and isolation of the planet Arrakis. The plot and resolution bring together the multiple factions including the emperor and the two major houses for control of the spice production. The title of the book Dune, plays a major part of the story. The planet of Arrakis where most of the novel takes place, is a desolate, isolated spot in the universe which isn't valuable for anything, but the spice. The people on the planet have it hard because of the gigantic sand dunes and the indigenous sand worms which live under the sand. The planet has no source of water on it except that of underground, which is very hard to come by. As you can see, "Water is precious there." (pg. 30) The plot of this science-fiction story deals almost entirely of the two major houses that at this time are sworn to destroy each other and the emperor. The two major houses want control of the spice on the planet of Arrakis which allows anyone who has it to fold space. Folding space means traveling anywhere in the universe without actually having to move. The House of Attreides gets destroyed by the House of Harkonnens in the fight over the spice. But on the planet of Arrakis, the local people of that world known as Fremen had had a prophecy that one day a savior would come and make peace where there was war on the planet of Arrakis. The duke's son of the House of Attreides escaped during the fight for the planet and crashed landed on the dunes where the Fremen lived. The duke's son, Paul, became their leader because of his great knowledge. He learned to control the giant sand worms and use them to his own advantage. The Fremen were determined to get rid of all the Harkonnens that ruled the world for
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Naturalist Ideas Essay -- Literary Analysis, Societal Structures
Important aspects of naturalism are the ideas that people are essentially animals responding to their basic urges without rational thought, and the insignificance of man to others and nature. In The Jungle, Sinclair portrays Jurgis as a man slowly changing into animal as well as a man whose actions are irrelevant to the rest of the corrupt capitalist world of Chicago in order to show the reader the naturalist ideas of the struggles between man and society. Jurgis's struggle between human thought and animalistic tendencies are evident in several major events in the book. In the beginning of Jurgis's life in Chicago, he can disregard most of the obstacles thrown at him by the corruption of man and keep his rational thinking dominant of his animal-like instincts. However, when Jurgis finds out that Connor has violated, harassed, threatened, and raped his wife Ona, he reached his breaking point. Jurgis was so overwhelmed with rage, he reverted back to his primal instincts and "sunk his teeth into the man's cheek" (153). We again see Jurgis "animal instincts" when he escapes from the city and lives in the countryside from a while. He has given up on being rational and has resorted to use his survival instincts like stealing and scavenging to survive. Sinclair shows us how these instincts will not help us survive in the end. Whenever Jurgis behaves like an animal, he is punished in some kind of way like an animal. When he attacks Co nnor, he is sent to prison and when he is in the rural area, he does not get any money to help him survive. Moreover, Jurgis does everything he can to help his family and himself survive, but regardless of his actions, the corrupt society plows through him without remorse or regret. Jurgis's op... ...te the flawed example of muckraking by The Jungle, the main reason for the use of muckraking was and still is an effective way of revealing the corruption of politics and businesses. Although The Jungle may not have served Sinclair purposes for social reform, it brought reform to the way food is handled. Without the enlightening view of the meat-packing business, even if false, the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act may never have been created. We still see examples of muckraking today from Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me to magazines like People, Time, Cosmopolitan, and National Geographic. Muckraking is one of the few ways that the average person can find out about information quickly and easily. In certain cases, it even connects the nations together in order to fight a common enemy, whether it is political, social, natural, or supernatural.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Analysis of Arabian Nights
ARABIAN NIGHTS SYNOPSIS In Baghdad there was a Sultan named Shahryar who had gone mad because he accidentally killed his wife who was unfaithful to him for he had an affair with the Sultan’s brother, Schahzenan. He gone mad because he thought that every women wanted to kill him and for that he requests to bring a harem girl to marry and be killed the next day. A clever woman named Scheherazade decide to marry the Sultan in order to prevent his madness. With the help of a storyteller she tells the him a story every night and stopping every dawn with a cliffhanger and refuse to continue until its night time again.This prevents the Sultan to kill Scheherazade and the stories she was telling has lessons and will cure the madness of the Sultan. The stories she had told were Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, The Tale of the Poor Hunchback, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, The Sultan and the Beggar and The Three Princes. When Schahzenan heard about the Sultan’s madness and thought of it as his weakness, he took advantage of it. He formed an army to battle with him in getting the throne but he failed because Sultan Shahryar was cured by Scheherazade with her stories.The Sultan fell in love with her and because of the morals of her stories they defeated the army. At the end, Scheherazade was telling the whole story to her children. ANALYSIS 1. Give three traditional, cultural and customary practices shown in the movie. Explain its significance. A. The remarriage of the Sultan after the death of his wife or to pass the throne to a sibling. This can be considered a tradition because this practice has been done a long time ago. Almost all royal families do this. This is an important tradition because this speaks of loyalty and sincerity of the king or the sultan to his position.Marrying again shows that he is dedicated to his position that he does not let his emotions conquer him. That even he is grieving to the death of his former wife; he doesn’t mind it be cause what more important is his people and not his own self and own happiness. He is not willing to give up the throne because he knew it might affect his people and their daily lives. When the leader changes, adjustment of the people becomes difficult. Many would not agree and many will be against it. A good leader knows this well that is why he gives good decisions. B. The performance of an exotic dance to celebrate a victory.This is a cultural practice for this shows the culture of a certain group. In the movie, in the part about Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Morgiana, the love of Ali Baba performed a dance in celebration of their victory. It is a victory for defeating the enemies. This is significant because this presents the true picture of a group. It shows what the group is, what do they do and how they make-known their culture. It is therefore important because this will be the way that they can be recognized and appreciated. That they can show to all that they also posse ss a rich culture.In just a simple dance number, every movement, the music, the steps, the costume and the emotions talks about something, it talks about a story which is about them and their tradition. C. The offering of a dowry in asking a princess for marriage. This is a very known practice ever since for in ancient stories every man who wants to marry should offer something special and costly to the woman and the family. This is also considered important because this shows respect and assurance to the future of the couple. This just represent that the family of the woman can be at peace that they can give their child to a trustworthy man.And this is also important because this gives a man the opportunity to present himself and prove to be a gentleman. 2. Give three to five representations of human character and how these human nature shown in the movie. A. Courageous Courage is the ability to face difficulty and this trait is possessed by Scheherazade. She was willing to risk he r life just to save her fellow women from the mad Sultan. Even she was a little nervous of what she had decided, she face the challenge with great courage and bravery, letting her fate decide what will happen to her as long as she pursue her plan.B. Wise This trait is possessed by Aladdin when he snatched the lamp from Mustappa. He used his skills and took it as an opportunity to bring back the lamp to his owner, himself. Even pick-pocketing is a bad habit, he still used it in a useful and good reason. He did it because he knew, Mustappa has evil plans for it. C. Oppurtunistic This negative trait is possessed by Sultan Harun Al-Rashid when he always plays a prank with the beggar, Amin. He took advantage of Amin because he thinks he is weak and that he could have fun using him.But at the end, because of his bad trait, he faced his consequence and that is to be killed by the person he belittled before. D. Loving This is presented by the three princes, they showed how much they love th eir father even at first, they always compete and quarrel. Even they always do this, their reason is always, they love their father and they will do anything for him. When they were requested to bring back a special thing to their father, they exerted effort and time just to have it. And also because of the love they have for their parent, the three of them learn to rule the kingdom with peace and harmony.E. Pessimistic Sultan Shahryar is pessimistic. This was shown when he was betrayed by his wife. Because of this experience, he blinded himself that all women are trying to kill him. He generalize that women has bad intentions against him. He did not try to see the brighter side of life, that what had happened to him has a purpose and reason, instead he let himself sink to his emotions and this had conquered his mind that is why he became mad. 3. Give three universal truths drawn from the movie and its application to personal experience. A. No man is an island.Even if how strong a p erson is, how brave he is and how unbreakable he is, he might not admit it, but he still needs a shoulder and a hand for support. I am not this kind of person but I think this is one lesson that might get from the story. I observe this with others, who shows the world they do not need help but when problems come they hopelessly aiming for it. Nobody survives alone, everyone needs somebody because as I can see, you cannot talk, cry, laugh and tap yourself. It’s much better to see someone who are happy when you are happy and wipes your tears when in pain.For short, it’s best when you have true friends. B. People who do bad things suffer the consequence of their action in the end. I always believe in this line because every action done has a corresponding consequence, may it be good or bad, it always depends on the former action. In my experience, what I did was, I didn’t ask permission that I’ll accompany my cousin at the park. We went there and played in à ¢â‚¬Å"monkey bars†. Unfortunately, I fell and broke my bone in the arm. And I really put this lesson in my mind. I also saw this in people who engaged in bad activities like pick-pocketing.They might benefit in that act but the so called karma, it might not strike them, instead their loved ones suffer for them. C. Everything happens for a purpose. This lesson may be applied in every situation and in any kinds of problems. Whatever happens, there is always a reason, we may not see it easily but as time passes by, we tend to realize why it had happened. Many problems come and sometimes we fail, but we should be open minded and realize that bad things happen because it will be exchanged with much of happiness. BEST PART OF THE MOVIEFor me, the best part of the movie is when Scheherazade conducted her plan to save the women and to rescue the Sultan from madness. In the time that she told the Sultan stories in order for him to heal. I like this because it showed â€Å"girl-powerâ € . It showed that even a long time ago, women had also out win men. That in a simple act, she had changed a very big thing. In this part, it showed that women are wise and courageous. I am very pleased and as I see it, I can’t resist feeling very proud of her and us, her fellow women. It showed that we can also be strong, that we can also stand and conquer something.It can be respect, power and appreciation of others. It’s brings me to an inspiration that I can also be like her, to have the courage to face difficulties. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. When watching the movie, the viewer should listen and take notes of the lines being uttered by the characters. This is because, these lines give inspiring thought to its viewers and it can be applied to some situations in each lives. 2. When watching, try to see yourself in the situation or in the characters because there is reality in their every action. There is truth in what they are doing because it can happen in a person in c ertainty.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Outline Template Essay
Writing Prompt: How have these two authors expressed their relationships with nature? After reading and analyzing â€Å"The Calypso Borealis,†an essay by John Muir, and William Wordsworth’s poem, â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,†write an essay in which you describe how each author views nature and answer the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text. I. Hook: John Muir and William Wordsworth were both two lonely people who had their love, passion, and connection for nature in common. Nature had brought them an abundance of joy, and took away their loneliness and sad states. A. Bridge: At some point, they had decided to put it down on paper how it affected them. Muir and Wordsworth described how nature’s essence had healed their minds and healed them of their negativity. The essence of nature brought feelings of peace and serenity to their souls, getting rid of the depression that had once been in their minds. B. Thesis: Wordsworth and Muir convey their deep connection and passion for nature by utilizing similes and hyperboles to assert the reader how much nature has affected their life. II. Topic Sentence: As much as John Muir loves to set off on journeys to discover different, unique kinds of plants, this was one of his favorite encounters he’s ever had, and it was also the one that affected him immensely. A. Example, Reason, Detail, or Fact from the text: In the essay, he states that â€Å"this Calypso meeting happened some forty-five years ago, and it was more memorable and impressive than any of my meetings with human beings†. B. Explanation: Even though it was a long time before he wrote the essay, finally coming face to face with the Calypso borealis moved him so much. He felt mesmerized by the plant, and he was overwhelmed with passion and emotion at the sight of it. C. Example, Reason, Detail, or Fact from the text: Muir had also rendered that he had felt â€Å"strong and exhilarated as if never more to feel any mortal care.†D. Explanation: In other words, he felt like there was nothing that could bring him down. As soon as he saw that plant, he felt as if he could carry the whole world on his shoulders, like nothing could stop him. III. Topic Sentence: Although Muir wasn’t the only one that felt fulfilled by nature, William Wordsworth also felt similar towards nature. He wrote I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud about a specific field of daffodils he walks among that fills him with delight. A. Example, Reason, Detail, or Fact from the text: For instance, Wordsworth uses words with positive connotation like glee, gay, jocund, bliss of solitude, and pleasure throughout the poem. B. Explanation: He tends to use it to describe the positivity and happiness he feels because of the daffodils. C. Example, Reason, Detail, or Fact from the text: Another thing that proves his happiness in the poem is the fact that in the beginning, he said he wandered lonely as a cloud, meaning he was walking about aimlessly as he felt alone. D. Explanation: Then he saw a whole crowd of daffodils, and now whenever he feels numb or empty, he just thinks about the daffodils, and his heart will â€Å"fill with pleasure and dances with the daffodils.†IV. Conclusion: A. You will write a conclusion in a later lesson and do not need to complete this part now.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Preparing to Write and Drafting the Paper Essay
When it came to writing all these papers I gave myself time to think about the topics and tried to make sure I understood them before I sat down to write the essays. I have never really been a strong writer when it came to essays in high school it was not an easy task for me. I never had a good strategy when it came to actually writing the papers and putting everything in order. I figured out how to stop worrying so much about getting the assignment turned in on time because that would always stop me from thinking more about the paper then it would turn out bad and I would even up getting a bad grade which would make me feel horrible. I figured out that I should worry more about the paper and then I would be able to focus on the paper so I would be getting it done on time as well. My strategy for writing a paper requires me write a rough draft, take sometime to reread it and then type it making sure everything is spelled correctly. Then making sure all my grammar is correct through out my entire paper also, making sure that I have the correct punctuation everywhere its needed. Then after typing up everything I go through the paper one last time to make sure there isn’t anything I need to add or take out which is usually where I see where I need to change my sentence structure and add certain works or move sentences to different paragraphs. With this class it’s actually been a good experience for me when it came to writing papers and trying to get everything done either early or on time. My writing process has improved with taking this class because I have actually taken time to figure out what I’m going to write about when it comes to the subject and I take care of the assignment in a timely manner. These essays all seem to me that they can be directed to the same audience and can be given with the same enthusiasm because they can be directed to some one in their 20s or 30s because it talks about taking an online courses along with other things along those lines. It would be a speech that I would defiantly be interested in because of how the person would talk to us also with the vocabulary they use because it wouldn’t be a speech that I couldn’t understand. When someone is trying to give a speech or write an essay its difficult when your trying to gauge what type of audience when they are giving a speech or when they are writing a essay trying to figure out if they covered all the important points that need to be covered and that is going to give you the best grade you can get with the course your taking either online or in a classroom. When you first start out with a paper you are a little unsure as to what you are trying to tie together in the very first paper you write but they you figure out what you need for the next couple papers and it gets a little easier for constructing the paper. Trying to get people interested in the subject you are writing or speaking about can be one difficult task because people tend to get bored very easy or they want to learn, about something different not the subject that you are talking about. Papers are what you seem to make them because you can either make them hard or you can make them easy on yourself. If you stress yourself out then you make it more difficult but if you make it easy by trying to take what time your given to make it a good paper. Making sure everything is in the right order that you professor will accept it a very big deal because they look for little mistakes and want you to do the best that you can when it come to the well being of your grade and your class. When you put it all together and present it to either your professor or your audience it can go either one of two ways good or bad. You can always hope it goes good but sometimes you can get some criticism when it comes to what was good and what was bad to your paper or speech. Just making sure everything is in order and how you want everything to be good.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Finance: Free Cash Flow
inance COOPERATE FINANCE| Miss Afifa| | Assignment# 4| | UMAIR ASIF11 March 2013| You submitted this Assignment on Sun 10 Mar 2013 7:21 PM PDT. You got a score of 85. 00 out of 100. 00. You can attempt again, if you'd like. Top of Form Please read all questions and instructions carefully. Note that you only need to enter answers in terms of numbers and without any symbols (including $, %, commas, etc. ). Enter all dollars without decimals and all interest rates in percentage with up to two decimals. Read the syllabus for examples.The points for each question are listed in parentheses at the start of the question, and the total points for the entire assignment adds up to 100. You are strongly encouraged to use spreadsheets. Refer to Note on Sample Cash Flow Template. Question 1 (5 points) The project with the highest IRR is always the project with the highest NPV. Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| True| | | | False| ? | 5. 00| Correct. Try now to sort this out in different contexts,| Total| | 5. 00 / 5. 00| | Question Explanation This is all about the fundamental difference between IRR and NPV. Question 2 10 points) Ann Arbor is considering offering public bus service for free. Setting up the service will cost the city $0. 6M (where M stands for million). The useful life of the buses is 25 years. Annual maintenance of the buses would cost $50,000 per year and they would need a major overhaul in year 15 that will cost a total of $350,000. This overhaul is in addition to the annual maintenance. Annual operating costs will begin at $90,000 in year 1 and grow at 2% per year thereafter. By using the buses as advertisement space, the city will generate a revenue of $75,000 in year 1 and it will grow at 4% per year thereafter.Reduced parking requirements and other benefits generated by the project will save the city $100,000/year. The salvage value (price city can get in the future after maintenance) of the used buses in year 25 is expected to be $150,000. What is the NPV of the bus proposal? Ann Arbor does not pay taxes and the discount rate is 5%. (Again, all cash flows except initial investments happen at the end of the year. ) (You are strongly encouraged to use a spreadsheet. ) Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| -10223| | | | 29847| ? | 10. 00| Correct. You apparently have thought through issues. 31222| | | | 19323| | | | Total| | 10. 00 / 10. 00| | Question Explanation A real world problem with some simplifications in cash flows. Question 3 (5 points) Alpha Inc. has the following two projects that it is considering, and it wants to choose one. Project A has an investment outlay/expense today of $1,000, and its cash flows over the next three years are $500, $600, $700. Project B has an outlay of $2,000, and cash flows of $1,000, $1,200, and $1,400. Which project should Alpha choose? (You can assume no taxes. ) Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| Project A| | | |Does not matter; both are essentially the same| | | | Cannot make a choice based on information| ? | 5. 00| Correct. What information is missing? | Project B| | | | Total| | 5. 00 / 5. 00| | Question Explanation This question is probing your comfort level and understanding of decision making; and the most common pitfall we confront all the time. Question 4 (10 points) Mango Technology has the following three projects that it is considering; it can choose only one. Project A has an investment outlay/expense today of $100M, and its cash flows over the next three years are $20M, $40M, $70M.Project B has an outlay of $110M, and cash flows of $40M, $80M, $20M; Project C has an outlay of $120M and cash flows of $0M, $20M, and $142M. Which project should the company choose if the cost of capital for similar projects is 6%? Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| Project B| | | | Project C| | | | Do not have enough information| ? | 0. 00| You do have enough information. Try again. | Project A| | | | Total| | 0. 00 / 10. 00| | Question Explanation This is an exercise in testi ng your knowledge pitted against our tendency to choose the incorrect criterion for making decisions.Question 5 (5 points) To get from net operating profits after tax (NOPAT) to free cash flows (FCF), you need to ADD back depreciation, SUBTRACT capital expenditures and ADD net working capital (i. e. , current operating assets – current operating liabilities). (Free cash flow is another name for cash flows. ) Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| False. | ? | 5. 00| Correct. You understand the nature of â€Å"capital. â€Å"| True. | | | | Total| | 5. 00 / 5. 00| | Question Explanation This is an important issue that makes you focus on differences between stocks and flows. Question 6 5 points) Last year your firm had revenue of $20 million, cost of goods sold (COGS) of $12 million, Selling, General, ; Administration costs (SG;A) of $2 million, Account Receivables (AR) of $6 million, Account Payables (AP) of $4 million and Inventory of $4 million. What will be the free cash flow next/this year if you boost revenue 6% and AR 12%, while holding COGS growth to 3% and everything else remains the same as last year? (Assume no taxes and no new capital expenditures. ) (You are encouraged to use a spreadsheet even for this specific type of question. ) Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| 4170000| ? 0. 00| Review the basics; see template and references. | 6120000| | | | 7240000| | | | 5250000| | | | Total| | 0. 00 / 5. 00| | Question Explanation Cash flow estimation for a specific year. Question 7 (15 points) Rain in Spain (RiS) is a manufacturer of high quality raincoats. Currently, the retail price of each raincoat is $70 and is produced at a cost of $45. This past year, they sold 50,000 raincoats and they expect this number to grow each year by 6% each year for the next 10 years. The operations team at RiS recently brought to your attention a new technology that could lower the cost of production.This technology requires an upfront fixed investment of $2,000,000 a nd has the capacity to produce up to 90,000 raincoats per year at a 12% lower cost per unit. There is no increased working capital need due to this new technology, and no value of the machine/technology after 10 years. What is the NPV of investing in the new technology? Ignore taxes and assume a discount rate of 14%. (Hint: Think incrementally; the difference between the world without and with this new technology! Also, ignoring taxes will be a big help if you think right. ) (Enter just the number without the $ sign or a comma; round off decimals. (You are strongly encouraged to use a spreadsheet. ) Answer for Question 7 You entered: Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| -150683| ? | 15. 00| Correct. You exhibit a clear understanding of how to conduct incremental analysis. | Total| | 15. 00 / 15. 00| | Question Explanation A probing question that is all about the creation of value; incremental value. Question 8 (15 points) Fresh off the excitement of the 2012 London Olympic Games, you decide that you want your firm to take advantage of the profits to be made for the 2016 games in Rio de Jeneiro. To do so you plan to open a factory in Brazil.After examining the idea, your CFO projects revenues next year (2013) to be $15 million and costs to be $9 million. Both of these are expected to grow at a rate of 25% per year as the excitement for the games builds. Your firms faces a 35% tax rate, a 14% discount rate and you can depreciate your new investment using the straight line method over the four years leading up to the games, at which point the value of the venture moving forward will be $5 million. (This $5 million is the terminal value that is in year 4 (that is, 2016) dollars and is the PV of all cash flows year 5 and beyond. The capital expenditure of this project is $12M. What is the NPV of the project? Assume that you have no significant working capital costs. (Enter just the number without the $ sign or a comma; round off decimals. ) (You are strongly encourag ed to use a spreadsheet. ) Answer for Question 8 You entered: Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| 9815100| ? | 15. 00| Correct. You know how to set up and execute a valuation exercise, albeit a simplified one. | Total| | 15. 00 / 15. 00| | Question Explanation A valuation exercise that includes most of the elements of a real world situation. Question 9 15 points) Starbuck's is considering opening another store in Chicago. A store is expected to have a long economic life, but the valuation horizon is 7 years. The store in Chicago is expected to create revenues of $3M in the first year and they are likely to grow at 2% per year thereafter. The cost of goods sold are $1. 2M in year 1 and they are also expected to grow at 2% per year thereafter. Selling and administration costs are likely to be $0. 5M in the first year and then grow at 5%. The tax rate is 35%. Starbucks is so good at managing its stores that working capital increases can be assumed to be negligible.But Starbucks will hav e to invest $3. 5M in purchasing a store (with land). The good news is that this outlay can be depreciated straight line over 7 years. Also, Starbucks has estimated that the terminal value in year 7 dollars will be $10M. This value is the value of all cash flows in year 8 and beyond. What is the NPV of opening this new store if the appropriate discount rate is 7. 75%? (Again, all cash flows except initial investments happen at the end of the year. Enter just the number without the $ sign or a comma; round off decimals. )(You are strongly encouraged to use a spreadsheet. ) Answer for Question 9You entered: Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| 7879584| ? | 15. 00| Correct. You are now building spreadsheet models. | Total| | 15. 00 / 15. 00| | Question Explanation It is time to do a more complete project analysis. Strongly encourage use of spreadsheets to build cashflows, though remember that you can do it step by step as well. Question 10 (15 points) Big Blue Granite (BBG) needs to purc hase a new saw for creating their top quality countertops. Saw A costs $250,000 with $4,000 of annual maintenance costs for the first year that will increase by 5% each year for the 7-year life of the saw.Saw B costs $150,000 with $10,000 of annual maintenance costs for the first year that will increase by 15% each year for the 4-year life of the saw. Which saw should BBG choose? What is the annualized cost of this choice? Assume a discount rate of 12%, and ignore all taxes. Your Answer| | Score| Explanation| (B, 46794)| | | | (B, 49983)| | | | (A, 59331)| ? | 15. 00| Correct. You know how to figure out the true annualized cost. | (A, 40367)| | | | (A, 38682)| | | | (B, 61624)| | | | Total| | 15. 00 / 15. 00| |
Friday, September 13, 2019
Effect of Gambling to British Teenagers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Effect of Gambling to British Teenagers - Essay Example The relationship between the two is very closely related because of nature of the hobby. One of the main reasons why teenagers turn to other criminal activity is because they need money. The easiest and fastest way to make money for gambling is stealing. There are many different level of stealing first of teenage gamblers steal money from family, mothers purses, fathers wallet or siblings piggy banks. This happens because parents and family members are against the idea of gambling and will not fund it therefore turn to unethical measures. More extreme cases have stolen from shops, other people and houses. The other main problem with teenage gambling is that it is associated with vices such as drinking, drugs and sex. Being underage and following the gambling life style will eventually lead you to problems such as alcoholism etc. In casinos they encourage drinking therefore being in that environment will lead you down that path. In 2002, the British government released a report regarding the proposed changes in the UK gambling law. It is a change that is expected to elevate the annual sum gambled in Britain to more than 60bn from 42bn a year (BBC News). The Gambling Act 2005 also called the Gambling Bill is a response to the Gambling Review Report made by the Department of Culture, Media and Sports in 2001 ( One of the objectives of the Gambling Act 2005 is to prevent "gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime" (UK Parliament). The Act "mainly applies to England and Wales, and to Scotland, and is designed to control all forms of gambling" (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). The Act only entered into force in September 2007 (Sprecher Grier Halberstam LLP). "Some provisions of the bill faced controversy, particularly in its original form, where it would have allowed large numbers of so-called 'super casinos' to have been set up" (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). "The Act also specifically regulates internet gambling for the first time" (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). The law was basically aimed at restricting other activities but it has paved way for more casinos in Britain. Particularly, it will allow casinos with up to 1250 slot machines and unlimited jackpots. (BBC News). The Facts on Gambling Upon the announcement of the Bill, BBC News made an investigation about the status of gambling in UK and the gambling habits of Britons in 2002. In 2002, it was found out that "Six out of ten adults in the UK spend up to 50 each month gambling on sporting events or the Lotto, according to government figure" and that "the industry is already worth 42bn a year" (BBC News). Some of the gambling activities subscribed by the British are Lotto, Bingo, Slot Machines, Casinos, Betting and Internet Betting. It is estimated that "more than 30 million people regularly buy a ticket for the Lotto" with around 4.983 million tickets sold in the years 2000-2001 according to the National Lottery Commission (BBC News). "The UK
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